Missy, a dog puppet, helped me in teaching a student about the importance of staying healthy.  Missy told Joshua, a 2nd grader, that she was going to the veterinarian because she was feeling sick.  The doctor told her that it was important to take her medicine, to eat well, to exercise and to stay clean.

     Missy asked Joshua what she thought about taking medicine.  Who should give him the medicine.  What can happen if we take the medicine by ourselves without asking an adult.  Also she told him about good medicines and bad medicines.  Joshua was interacting with Missy and he was paying close attention to what she was saying.  

     Missy also told Joshua about eating healthy.  For example, eating vegetables, breakfast and snacks.  They talked about which foods are healthy and which ones are not so healthy.  Joshua said that when he doesn't eat breakfast he feels tired in school.  Missy asked him how he feels when he eats breakfast and he told her that he is more energetic.

     Missy was explaining to Joshua the importance of doing exercise and staying clean.  She asked him what happens when we watch TV all day long.  He said that his eyes get tired, he doesn't think, he doesn't get enough exercise.  Finally, Joshua learned about the importance of staying clean, taking everyday baths, brushing his teeth and washing his hands.  

     Joshua was referred because he sometimes doesn't come clean and he is tired in the mornings.  I decided to use the puppet to convey this information so he could be more motivated to listen.  He was very receptive of all the information and he was actively participating.  He was giving good examples and showed interest in what we were saying.  I think this media is good for many age groups and in one-to-one interaction with a counselor, the puppets facilitate our work.