In session two with Sofia, my goal was to keep working on the counseling relationships, increasing rapport and self-disclosure.  Considering Sofia's interest in dancing,  I asked her to bring her favorite music.  She brought a CD with hip-hop music, which we heard for some time.  After we finished listening, we discussed what she liked about that type of music, how she feels when she hears it and when is she most likely to listen to it.  The goal was to help her identify pleasant feelings and what specific aspects of these activities created that positive mood in her, with the purpose of relating it to other situations in which she experiences unpleasant feelings. The use of the facilitative responses allowed me to process the activity. 

In part one of the activity, she played her favorite song and as she listened to it, she sang all the lyricks. After it finished, I asked what is it about this type of music that she liked the most.  She stated that the rithm is nice and that it makes her want to dance. That is why she is taking hip-hop dancing lessons.  She commented that before she was taking ballet, but that the steps were to difficult.  Now she loves going to dance because it is the music she likes and the steps are fun and easy.   

So how do you feel when you listen to this music?  She said that she feels relaxed and happy.  When do you usually listen to this music?  "All the time.  When I come back from school I go to my room and play some music.  I dance by myself.  Sometimes I listen to it when I am doing my homework.  I wish I could listen to it in school, but they don't let me bring it".  

At this time I asked her if she could show me some moves.  She was happy to show me.  Her facial expression changed.  She looked excited.  She played the same song and she was explaining the steps.  She showed a routine that they had learned the previous week.  I could sense that her mood improved when she was performing.

After, I asked her to tell me about some times when she experiences unpleasant feelings.  She told me that she feels frustrated with school work because it is hard for her to work on it.  I asked her to think about the dance routine, how she learnes the steps one by one and how practice made it better.  Then, I asked her to relate this to her school work.  I asked her how she could apply what she does in dance to her homework.  It was hard for her at first to relate it, but with facilitative responses, we discussed how dividing her homework in smaller parts would be helpful, and how repeating some of the exercises (practice) would improve her knowledge.  In addition, we worked on her feelings toward homework and how she could take breaks and listen to her favorite music to improve her mood whenever she is feeling frustrated. 

Music and Movement can be applied in different ways, according to the client's needs.  In this particular situation, it allowed me to know more about Sofia and to use the media as a rapport builder.  She felt comfortable showing me what she liked and how she dances.  By focusing on what she can do, we worked to improve her self-esteem; and by exploring and processing the activities, we were able to make the LEAP to her school work.  In addition, as part of my counseling plan, I intend to use the music media as a reinforcer to increase her school attendance.