Dr. S.A. Sherif


1.         Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

2.         Fellow, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

3.         Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

4.         Member, Commission B-1 of the IIR on Thermodynamics and Transfer Processes (2005-2011)

5.         Member Advisory Board of Directors, International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE)

6.         Member, ASHRAE College of Fellows

7.         Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

8.         Member, International Solar Energy Society (ISES)

9.         Member, International Energy Society (IES); Member Scientific Council

10.       Member, Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society

11.       Private Associate Member, International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR)



1.                  Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, July 1, 2007-June 30, 2010

2.                  Associate Editor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, October 2005-present

3.                  Associate Editor, Solar Energy, 2003-present

4.                  Guest Editor, Solar Energy, Special Issue on Solar Hydrogen, 2002-2005

5.                  Member Editorial Board, International Journal of Exergy, 2005-present

6.                  Member International Editorial Board, International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, February 2009-present

7.                  Member Editorial Advisory Board, The Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal, May 2007-present

8.                  Member Editorial Advisory Board, The Open Renewable Energy Journal, July 2008-present

9.                  Book Review Editor, ASME Applied Mechanics Reviews, February 2001-present

10.              Book Review Editor, FORUM for Applied Research and Public Policy,  January 1988-October 1989

11.              Member Editorial Committee: October 2000-May 2002, 21st Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (SECTAM XXI), May 19-21, 2002, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida.



1.                  Elected ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, January 2008

2.                  Division III Superior Accomplishment Award, University of Florida (February 2007)

3.                  AIAA Best Paper Award in Terrestrial Energy Systems, 2005 Aerospace Sciences Meeting

4.                  ASME 2005 IMECE Best Student Paper Award (November 2006)

5.                  2003 ASHRAE Distinguished Service Award, June 2003

6.                  2001 Kuwait Prize in Applied Sciences “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning,” May 2002

7.                  TIP Teaching Award, University of Florida, December 1998

8.                  E.K. Campbell Award of Merit "For Outstanding Service and Achievement in Teaching," ASHRAE, 1997

9.                  Anderson/CLAS Scholar Faculty Honoree, University of Florida (2007, 2004, 2000)

10.              Certificate of Appreciation “for Outstanding Service as Associate Editor,” Solar Energy

11.              Certificate of Appreciation, ASHRAE Technical Activities Committee (2008)

12.              Certificate of Appreciation, ASME Heat Transfer Division (2008, 2007, 2007, 2005)

13.              Certificate of Appreciation, ASME Board of Governors (2003)

14.              Certificate of Appreciation, AIAA (2003)

15.              Certificate of Appreciation, ASME Solar Energy Division (2003)

16.              Certificate of Appreciation, ASME International Congress Committee (1999)

17.              Certificate of Appreciation, ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division (2003, 1997)

18.              Certificate of Appreciation, ASHRAE Standards Committee (1995)

19.              Certificate of Appreciation, ASME Fluids Engineering Division (1994)

20.              Certificate of Recognition for Research Contributions, NASA (1997, 1996, 1993)

21.              Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Award, University of Miami (1989, 1988)

22.              General Research Support Award, University of Miami (1989, 1988)

23.              Graduate Research and Artistry Award, Northern Illinois University (1987)

24.              Premium of Academic Excellence (PACE) Award, Iowa State University (1979-1980)

25.              Graduate College Scholarship, Iowa State University (1979-1984)

26.              Graduated “Distinction with Highest Honors,” Alexandria University (1975)

27.              Undergraduate Fellowship, Alexandria University (1970-1975)



1.         Marquis Who's Who in America (51st-54th and 56th-63rd Editions)

1.                  Marquis Who's Who in the World (12th-15th and 17th-26th Editions)

2.                  Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering (2nd-10th Editions)

3.                  Marquis Who's Who in the South and Southwest (23rd-33rd Editions)

4.                  Marquis Who's Who in Finance and Industry (29th-33rd Editions)

5.                  Marquis Who’s Who in Finance and Business (34th-36th Editions)

6.                  Marquis Who’s Who in American Education (6th-8th Editions)

7.                  Who’s Who in Engineering Education (2002, 2006 Editions)

8.                  Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 7th Edition (2002), 9th Edition (2005), and 10th Edition (2007)

9.                  Lexington Who’s Who (2000-2001 Millennium Edition) and (1999-2000)

10.              Strathmore's Who's Who (2000-2001 Millennium Edition) and (1998)

11.              International Who's Who of Professionals (1997) and (1995)

12.              Most Admired Men and Women of the Year, 2nd Annual Edition (1996)

13.              International Book of Honor, 4th World Edition (1996)

14.              Five Thousand Personalities of the World, 6th (1998), 5th (1996), and 4th (1994) Editions

15.              International Who's Who of Contemporary Achievement, 4th Edition (1997)

16.              Five Hundred Leaders of Influence 6th (1998) and 3rd (1996) Editions

17.              Asian/American Who's Who, Rifacimento International, Delhi, India

18.              United Who’s Who (2002-2003)

19.              International Leaders in Achievement, 3rd Edition (1997)

20.              Who's Who of the Year-1993, American Biographical Institute

21.              Dictionary of International Biography, 25th (1997-1998), 24th (1995-1996), and 23rd (1993-1994) Volumes

22.              Men of Achievement, 17th (1997) and 16th (1995) Editions

23.              The International Who's Who of Intellectuals, 12th (1997-98) and 11th (1995-96) Editions

24.              The International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, 6th (1996) and 5th (1994) Editions

25.              Who's Who Environmental Registry (1992)

26.              America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals (2001-2002)




1.                  Member-at-Large and Energy Resources Board Representative to the International Congress Committee, Energy Resources Technical Group Operating Board, June 2003-June 2006


2.                  Member, Energy Resources Board, June 1, 2001-June 30, 2003


3.                  Member Selection Committee, Frank Kreith Energy Award, 2005-2011


4.                  ASME Representative, International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), 2006-present


5.                  Chairman Steering Committee and ASME Representative, Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), 2002-2003



6.                  Chairman Executive Committee, ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division, July 1, 2002-June 30, 2003, Vice Chairman, July 2001-June 2002; Secretary/Treasurer, July 2000-June 2001; Member-at-Large for Honors and Awards, July 1999-June 2000; Past Chair and Senior Member, July 2003-June 2004; Member Executive Committee, July 1999-June 2004


7.                  Newsletter Editor, ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division, November 1995-November 1998


8.                  Member, Analysis and Fuel Cells Technical Committee (2007-present); Systems Analysis Technical Committee (December 1989-2007), Advanced Energy Systems Division



9.                  Member, Executive Committee, ASME Heat Transfer Division, 2009-2016; Secretary, 2009-2011


10.              Chairman, Committee on Environmental Heat Transfer (K-19), ASME Heat Transfer Division, July 2003-June 2007; Vice Chairman, July 1999-June 2003; Member, August 1987-present


11.              Member, Committee on Heat Transfer in Energy Systems (K-6), ASME Heat Transfer Division, November 2001-present



12.              Chairman, Fluid Applications and Systems Technical Committee (FASTC), ASME Fluids Engineering Division, July 2008-June 2010; Vice-Chairman, July 2006-June 2008; Member, November 1990-present


13.              Chairman, Coordinating Group on Fluid Measurements (CGFM), ASME Fluids Engineering Division, June 1992-June 1994; Vice Chairman, June 1990-June 1992; Member, June 1987-November 2002; Member, Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation Technical Committee, ASME Fluids Engineering Division, November 2002-present


14.              Chairman, Coordinating Group on Fluid Measurements Nominating Committee, ASME Fluids Engineering Division, June 1992-June 1994; Member June 1994-June 1998


15.              Member, Honors Committee, ASME Fluids Engineering Division, January 1995-June 1998


16.              Member, Special Awards Committee, ASME Fluids Engineering Division, January 1995-June 2001


17.              Member, Fluid Mechanics Technical Committee (FMTC), ASME Fluids Engineering Division, November 1990 - present; Member, Fluid Mechanics Committee (FMeC), June 1987-November 1990


18.              Member, Fluids Engineering Division Advisory Board, ASME, June 1994-present


19.              Member and ASME/FED Representative, Steering Committee, European Association for Laser Anemometry (EALA), February 1992-August 1995



20.              Member, Fundamentals and Theory Technical Committee (FTTC), ASME Solar Energy Division, April 1990-1997



21.              Member, ASME Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits (MFFCC) Subcommittee 1 on Uncertainties in Flow Measurements, ASME Codes and Standards, September 1995-June 2000



22.              Member, AIAA’s Terrestrial Energy Systems Technical Committee, August 2001-present



23.              Member, Commission B-1 on Thermodynamics and Transfer Processes, International Institute of Refrigeration, 2004-2010


24.              Member, United States National Committee for the International Institute of Refrigeration (USNC/IIR), January 1995-present



25.              Member, ASHRAE’s Technical Activities Committee (TAC), July 2004-June 2008; Alternate Member, July 2002-June 2004


26.              Section Head, Section 10, ASHRAE, July 1,  2004-June 30, 2008


27.              Member, ASHRAE’s TAC’s Technology Oversight Subcommittee, July 2004-2006


28.              Vice Chairman, ASHRAE’s Thermodynamics and Psychrometrics Committee (TC 1.1), July 2009-June 2013 and July 1990-June 1992; Corresponding Member, July 2004-June 2009 and July 1992-June1996; Member, July 2009-June 2013, July 1996-June 2004 and July 1988-June 1992


29.              Secretary, ASHRAE’s Liquid-to-Refrigerant Heat Transfer Equipment Committee (TC 8.5), July 1990-June 1992; Member, July 1996-June 1997 and July 1989-June 1993; Corresponding Member, July 1997-June 2001 and January 1994-June 1996


30.              Member, ASHRAE’s TG1.Exergy, Task Group on Exergy for Sustainability, April 19, 2006-June 30, 2010


31.              Member, ASHRAE’s TG 1.Opt, Task Group on Optimization, January 2009-June 2013


32.              Member, ASHRAE’s Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Committee (TC 1.3), July 1993-June 1997 and July 1988-June 1992; Corresponding Member, July 1992-June 1993 and July 1997-present


33.              Corresponding Member, ASHRAE’s Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Transfer Equipment Committee (TC 8.4), June 1999-2008


34.              Member, ASHRAE’s Refrigeration Load Calculations (TC 10.8), July 2009-June-2013; Corresponding Member, July 1999-June 2009


35.              Chairman, ASHRAE's Standards Project Committee, SPC 41.6-1982R, 1989-September 1995, (Standard Method for Measurement of Moist Air Properties)


36.              Coordinator for TC 1.1 and TC1.3, ASHRAE Learning Institute, August 2002-present