Welcome to the world of Cloning

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Before I introduce the cloning of a lamb named Dolly, which almost everybody has heard of, I will let you read this poem, then explain the story of Dolly.

Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was slightly gray

It didn't have a father, just some borrowed DNA.

It sort of had a mother, though the ovum was on a loan,

It was not so much a lambkin as a little lamby clone.

And soon it had a fellow clone, and soon it had more,

They followed her to school one day, all cramming through the door.

It made the children laugh and sing, the teachers found it droll,

There were too many lamby clones, for Mary to control.

No other could control the sheep, since the programs didn't vary

So the scientists resolved it all, by simple cloning Mary.

But now they feel quite sheepish, those scientists unwary,

One problem solved but what to do, with Mary, Mary, Mary.

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