Sniffy Assignments - 1) Getting to know Sniffy

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The purpose of this assignment is to expose you to the Sniffy software.  Specifically, you will learn how to deliver shocks and observe his subsequent behavior.

1.  Start Sniffy Lite.
2.  On the menu bar at the top of the screen, click once on "Experiment" then click once on "Design Classical Conditioning Experiment..."  A dialog box will appear.
3.  Set the interval between trials to 2 and the number of trials to 10.
4.  Click once on Save.  The dialog box should go away.
5.  Click on "Experiment" then click on "Run Classical Conditioning Experiment."
6.  In a few moments, the light above Sniffy's pellet dispenser should illuminate.  This light will remain illuminated for approximately 1 min and then Sniffy will receive a shock at the moment the light turns off.
7.  What did you see Sniffy do when shock was delivered?

A multiple-choice question taken from this assignment will appear on this week's quiz.  You are not required to hand in anything.