Ersmark K, Nervall M, Hamelink E, Janka LK, Clemente JC, Dunn BM, Blackman MJ, Samuelsson B, Åqvist J, Hallberg A. Synthesis of Malarial Plasmepsin Inhibitors and Prediction of Binding Modes by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 48(19) 6090-106, August 2005

Oyama H, Fujisawa T, Suzuki T, Dunn BM, Wlodawer A, Oda K. Catalytic Residues and Substrate Specificity of Recombinant Human Tripeptidyl Peptidase I (CLN2), Journal of Biochemistry, 138(2), 127-134, August 2005

Pettit SC, Clemente JC, Jeung JA, Dunn BM, Kaplan AH. Ordered Processing of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 GagPol Precursor Is Influenced by the Context of the Embedded Viral Protease, Journal of Virology, 79(16), 10601-7, August 2005

Beyer BB, Johnson JV, Chung AY, Li T, Madabushi A, Agbandje-McKenna M, McKenna R, Dame JB, Dunn BM. Active-Site Specificity of Digestive Aspartic Peptidases from the Four Species of Plasmodium that Infect Humans Using Chromogenic Combinatorial Peptide Libraries, Biochemistry, 44(6), 1768-79, February 2005

Castanheira P, Samyn B, Sergeant K, Clemente JC, Dunn BM, Pires E, Van Beeumen J, Faro C. Activation, Proteolytic Processing, and Peptide Specificity of Recombinant Cardosin A, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280(13), 13047-54, January 2005

Clemente JC, Moose RE, Hemrajani R, Whitford LRS, Govindasamy L, Reutzel R, McKenna R, Agbandje-McKenna M, Goodenow MM, Dunn BM. Comparing the Accumulation of Active- and Nonactive-Site Mutations in the HIV-1 Protease, Biochemistry, 43(38), 12141-51, September 2004

Li Y, Yowell CA, Beyer BB, Hung SH, Westling J, Lam MT, Dunn MB, Dame JB. Recombinant expression and enzymatic subsite characterization of plasmepsin 4 from the four Plasmodium species infecting man, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 135(1), 101-9, May 2004

Pettit SC, Everitt LE, Choudhury S, Dunn BM, Kaplan AH. Initial cleavage of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 GagPol precursor by its activated protease occurs by an intramolecular mechanism, Journal of Virology, 78(16):8477-85, August 2004

Green TB, Ganesh O, Perry K, Smith L, Phylip LH, Logan TM, Hagen SJ, Dunn BM, Edison AS. IA3, an aspartic proteinase inhibitor from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is intrinsically unstructured in solution, Biochemistry, 43(14):4071-81, April 2004

Wlodawer A, Li M, Gustchina A, Oyama H, Oda K, Beyer BB, Clemente J, Dunn BM. Two inhibitor molecules bound in the active site of Pseudomonas sedolisin: a model for the bi-product complex following cleavage of a peptide substrate, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 314(2):638-45, February 2004

Clemente JC, Hemrajani R, Blum LE, Goodenow MM, Dunn BM. Secondary mutations M36I and A71V in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease can provide an advantage for the emergence of the primary mutation D30N, Biochemistry, 42(51):15029-35, December 2003

Wlodawer A, Li M, Gustchina A, Oyama H, Dunn BM, Oda K. Structure and enzymatic properties of the sedolisin family of serine-carboxyl peptidases, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 50(1):81-102, 2003

Comellas-Bigler M, Fuentes-Prior P, Maskos K, Huber RO, Oyama H, Uchida K, Dunn BM, Oda K, Bode K. The 1.4 Ang Crystal Structure of Kumamolysin, a Thermostabel Serine-Carboxyl Type Peptidase, Structure, June 2002

Dunn BM, Goodenow MM, Gustchina A, Wlodawer A. Retroviral proteases, Genome Biology, 3(4):3006.1-3006.7, March 2002

Oyama H, Hamada T, Ogasawara S, Uchida K, Murao S, Beyer BB, Dunn BM, Oda K. A CLN2-Related and Thermostable Serine-Carboxyl Proteinase, Kumamolysin: Cloning, Expression, and Identification of Catalytic Serine Residue, Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 131(5):757-765, 2002

Goodenow MM, Bloom G, Rose SL, Pomeroy SM, O'Brien PO, Perez EE, Sleasman JW, Dunn BM. Naturally-Occurring Amino Acid Polymorphisms in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Gag p7(NC) and the C-Cleavage Site Impact Gag-Pol Processing by HIV-1 Protease, Virology, 292137-149, 2002

Dunn BM. Anatomy and pathology of HIV-1 protease, Essays in Biochemistry, 38113-127, 2002

Wlodawer A, Li M, Gustchina A, Dauter A, Uchida K, Oyama H, Oda K, Goldfarb N, Dunn BM. Inhibitor complexes of the Pseudomonas serine-carboxyl proteinase, Biochemistry, 40(51):15602-15611, December 2001

Wlodawer A, Li M, Dauter Z, Gustchina A, Uchida K, Oyama H, Dunn BM, Oda K. Carboxyl proteinase from Pseudomonas defines a novel family of subtilisin-like enzymes, Nature Structural Biology, 8(5):442-6, May 2001

Perez EE, Rose SL, Peyser B, Lamers SL, Burkhardt B, Dunn BM, Hutson AD, Sleasman JW, Goodenow MM. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Protease Genotype Predicts Immune and Viral Responses to Combination Therapy with Protease Inhibitors (PIs) in PI-Naive Patients, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 183579-588, 2001

Ng KK, Petersen JF, Cherney MM, Garen C, Zalatoris JJ, Rao-Naik C, Dunn BM, Martzen MR, Peanasky RJ, James MN. Structural basis for the inhibition of porcine pepsin by Ascaris pepsin inhibitor-3, Nature Structural Biology, 7(8):653-7, August 2000

Li M, Phylip LH, Lees WE, Winther JR, Dunn BM, Wlodawer A, Kay J, Gustchina A. The aspartic proteinase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae folds its own inhibitor into a helix, Nature Structural Biology, 7(2):113-7, February 2000

Westling J, Cipullo P, Hung SH, Saft H, Dame JB, Dunn BM. Active site specificity of plasmepsin II, Protein Science, 8(10):2001-9, October 1999

Dunn BM, Pennington MW, Frase DC, Nash K. Comparison of inhibitor binding to feline and human immunodeficiency virus proteases: Structure-based drug design and the resistance problem, Biopolymers, 51(1):69-77, 1999
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