Title: "St. Francis House Project" Artist: Shoshana Kapnek
Recently I became aware of the lack of understanding that exists between the different segments of the Gainesville Community, particularly with respect to the homeless. With this in mind, I contacted the people at the St. Francis House, a shelter for the "homeless" here in Gainesville. I arranged to meet with children who were staying there in order to enable them to express themselves artistically.
Together, over a six-week period, we worked on drawing our hopes and wishes, our heroes, and ourselves. This project allowed us to get to know one another; and gave the children a chance to express themselves creatively, through the language of art. The results of our efforts were displayed in three locations in Gainesville (and temporarily on the Web). By displaying the efforts of these children, I hoped to create a visual dialogue between the children of St. Francis House and the rest of the Gainesville Community.
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