Title: "You Make a Difference"
Artist: Ira Dupere
Media: Mail Art

Sometimes I take people for granted. I think we all do. It seems that we do not tell people that mean the most to us how we feel about them. In the past there have been dozens of people who helped to shape me into the person I am today. I do not think that I fully appreciated all of them at the time and if I did I did not tell them.

The premise of my project is to give myself and others a vehicle which will help to facilitate recognition. I would like people to take five minutes and write to someone they have not talked to in a while or maybe a friend they see everyday. I hope that on the postcard I created they will write how they were influenced or how much they love the person they are giving the card to. With what may seem to be a small or insignificant gesture, love can be spread and with that love people will feel a little happier, a little more special.

I created the image on a Macintosh Computer and then had it printed on 500 postcards which I distributed to different people.

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