Date:               2/10/05

Student Name:   Rob Hamersma

TAs:     William Dubel

Steven Pickles

Instructor:       A. A. Arroyo


University of Florida

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

EEL 5666

Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory



Weekly Report 5



This week I bought a 6’ x 6’ piece of dark green outdoor carpet from Home Depot to use as my putting green.  The golf ball seems to roll very straight.  I calibrated my second servo and modified my code so that I can enable/disable/run up to 3 servos from the same 16-bit timer.  I attached an 8-1/2” long arm to a servo and tried putting the ball with it – driving it from 0-180, 45-135, 0-135, and 45-180 degrees - to see how far it would putt the ball.  On average, it went about 56 in. which could be acceptable, but the arm was longer than I would be able to implement on the robot, and it would also be hard to vary the speed of the servo to vary the distance.  I also started designing my platform, and ordered a CAD program (TurboCAD Deluxe 9.2) to use at home for this class and for future design work.