Date:               1/20/05

Student Name:   Rob Hamersma

TAs:     William Dubel

Steven Pickles

Instructor:       A. A. Arroyo


University of Florida

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

EEL 5666

Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory


Weekly Report 2


            This week I received my MAVRIC-IIB board kit and assembled it.  I downloaded and installed WinAVR and read the documentation on how to use the compiler, the programmer, the IDE, and the makefiles.  I compiled the example code from the BDmicro website and got the LED to blink.  I plugged the MAVRIC board into a breadboard and wired it to a 16-digit LCD screen, a battery and a power switch.  I modified an LCD header program I had written previously for a different Atmel part to work with the ATMEGA128, and I also added negative and floating point number display functionality.  I decided to try to use a camera (probably CMUcam) to detect the ball and the hole, since sonar and IR would probably to finicky and error-prone, especially from long distances.