Date:               3/24/05

Student Name:   Rob Hamersma

TAs:     William Dubel

Steven Pickles

Instructor:       A. A. Arroyo


University of Florida

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

EEL 5666

Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory


Weekly Report 10


            This week I replaced my LMD18200 motor drivers with SN754410 drivers which work down to 4.5V.  These seem to be working great.  I soldered capacitors across the motor terminals and from the terminals to the case for noise reduction.  I designed a system for my ultrasonic sensor so that it can be mounted under the platform and be used to do obstacle avoidance as well as centering the ball between the wheels for putting.  I need to do testing to determine the optimal place to position it, and I might need to mount it on a servo to swing it out of the way when the putting arm swings.  I also started writing code to interface with the CMUcam.