
Download and Installation
Setting up apt-synaptic    
Upgrade and Install software
Important Tips
    --number of packages to install
    --synaptic freezes or locks up....what to do
    --remove old packages in /var/cache/apt/archives
    --unsigned packages

Apt is a wonderful tool to keep your linux distribution up to date,
download new software, and is a handy way to manage your installed
packages.  Synaptic, the gui frontend for apt, is also a handy tool
to see exactly what is going on.
Download and Installation
To download the appropiate package of apt and synaptic for you distribution,
go to http://rpmfind.net and search for these files and download the ones for
your distribution.  Or you can just click the above links 'apt' and 'synaptic'

1. Become root and install packages beginning with apt:

[root@blueox]# rpm -ihv apt-0.5.15cnc6-1.1.fc3.fr.i386.rpm
warning: apt-0.5.15cnc6-1.1.fc3.fr.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID e42d547b
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:apt ########################################### [100%]

2. Now install synaptic

[root@blueox]# rpm -ihv synaptic-0.55.3-1.1.fc3.fr.i386.rpm
warning: synaptic-0.55.3-1.1.fc3.fr.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID e42d547b
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:synaptic ########################################### [100%]

Setting up apt-synaptic
To begin using apt-synaptic, there are some configuration changes
that I have found usefull. Apt relies on rpm repositories to
get information on what packages are available.  There are many
repositories available, some include just updates to the kernel,
others have updates just for KDE, and people also have their own
personal repository that they put on the web so other people can
install their software easily.  There are several repositories
that I have found usefull.  To enable apt to connect to these,
first become root and open the file:
[root@blueox]#  vim /etc/apt/sources.list

For Fedora Core 3, edit the file so that it looks like this:

#begin file
rpm http://download.fedora.us/ fedora/fedora/3/i386 extras os updates

rpm http://rpm.livna.org/ fedora/3/i386 stable unstable testing

rpm-src http://download.fedora.us/ fedora/fedora/3/i386 extras
rpm-src http://rpm.livna.org/ fedora/3/i386 stable unstable testing
#end file

Because updates are continuous for Fedora Core, it is vital to update
packages as much as possible to stomp out any security risks with software.

Upgrade and Install software
To start synaptic, type at the command prompt:

[root@blueox]# synaptic

You will be asked to supply the root password.  After the root
password is supplied synaptic starts up.

1. The first action to take is to update the list of packages apt
thinks it can download.  Press the button "Reload" on the top left
corner.  This will download a list of packages that are available on all the repositories that
you specified in sources.list.  It is good to update the list
each time you use synaptic because new packages may have been

2. Next, you can either search for a package in the search
box on the right hand side or you can search through the available
rpm's by selecting the Installed option on the left panel.

3. Now I will update the OpenOffice application to version 1.1.2-11.5
from version 1.1.0-6 which is presently installed.  To do this
first search for "office" in the search box.  Some office applications will
be displayed.  Right click on  "openoffice.org" and select "Mark for Upgrade" 
A dialog box will appear and let you know that openoffice.org-libs is also
required for upgrade.  Select "Mark"

4. Now select "Apply" at the top of the screen.  A dialog box will
appear listing what will be install, how much space will be used, and
the total size of the files that will be downloaded.  Select "Apply" at
the bottom of the dialog box.

5. Installation of software is very similar to the upgrade.  Just right click
on the software you would like to install and select "Mark for Installation"

Important Tips
1. --When installing packages, try not to pick a huge number of packages
to install.  Try 10 packages at most.

2. --Sometimes Synaptic may just freeze, possibly because of bugs,
and you may have to use the kill command to exit.  When you do this,
a lock is set on the rpm database.  There are two ways to remove
the lock, shut down the computer or become root and go to:
[root@blueox]# cd /var/lib/rpm

and delete all files beginning with __db. 

[root@blueox]# rm -f __db*

3. --Synaptic stores all downloaded rpm 's in the directory: 
This may take up considerable space so you can just go in and delete
ONLY the RPM's.  Remember delete ONLY!!!! the RPM's.

4. --Sometimes you may get errors about unsigned packages or warnings about gpg keys so to fix this do the fallowing.  First open up
as root:
[root@blueox]# vim /etc/apt/apt.conf

Then uncomment the line that reads: 
// GPG-Check "false";
So that it looks like this:    
GPG-Check "false";

And thats it.