We live in a world obsessed with appearances. Think about it. How many times a day does some variation of the question 'What will people think?' run through your mind and influence your actions? Society expects people to be a certain way and we conform to avoid rejection. We pluck, shave, dye our hair, apply cosmetics, and even undergo surgery just for the sake of our appearances. We complain, but what is really holding us back? Is it the expectations of others or ourselves and our own fear?   

Appearance: n. the act or fact of appearing, as to the eye or mind or before the public
     What bothered her husband most about her change in personality was the fact that Edna simply stopped caring what other people thought of her. She abandoned her Tuesday ritual and moved out to live in the pigeon house on her own. He didn't realize that he was now seeing Edna's true self for the first time, a self that she had kept confined deep within, thinking that she had to be just like everyone else.