University of Florida.Linguistics Program
4131 Turlington Hall
LIN 3010-4729
Introduction to Linguistics
M/T/W/R/F 3rd period (11.00 am to 12.15 pm), Summer B 2005
Anderson 21
Instructor: Priyankoo Sarmah
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 12.30 to 1.20 pm
Phone: (352) 392-0639 X236
Course Overview:
Linguistics is the scientific study of language. This is a basic course in Linguistics which is designed to give an idea about the directions and branches in the study of Linguistics. In this course we will see how sound systems, word formation, sentence formation, discourse and meaning are analyzed in the domain of Linguistics. We will also see what role does the brain play in the production and perception of language. Issues related to language variation and change and language acquisition will also be addressed in the course. We will also try to have some hands-on experience in analyzing various languages during the course.
Required Text:
Tserdanelis, Georgios and Wai Yi Peggy Wong, eds. (2004). Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics, 9th ed. Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University.
Your performance in the class will be assessed according to the following components:
Component | Worth |
When |
Description |
Homework Assignments (4 Homework) | 20% | See Below | Problem solving type |
Midterm Exam |
20% |
July 22 |
In class |
Final Exam |
20% | August 5 | In Class |
Observation paper |
15% | August 3 | TBA |
Quizzes | 25% | Everyday | Very short quizzes, mostly based on the lecture of the day |
Homework due dates:
Due | Worth | |
HW1 | July 1 | 5% |
HW2 | July 8 | 5% |
HW3 | July 15 | 5% |
HW4 | July 29 | 5% |
91-100 A 70-74.9 C
86-90.9 B+ 65-69.9 D+
80-85.9 B 60-64.9 D
75-79.9 C+ Below 60 F
Late Policy: No late homeworks or exams unless you have received permission before the due date. Homeworks will be collected at the beginning of class on the date they are due.
There is no attendance
policy for this class. However, as mentioned above, there will be a quiz in
every class and many discussions in the class may not strictly follow the
prescribed text. Therefore it is in your best interest to attend every class.
There is no provision for make-up quiz and exams.
Academic Integrity:
Academic honesty and
integrity are fundamental values of the University community. An academic
honesty offense is defined as the act of lying, cheating, or stealing academic
information so that one gains academic advantage. Any individual who becomes
aware of a violation of the Honor Code is bound by honor to take corrective
action. Violations of the honor code include, but are not limited to:
plagiarism, cheating, bribery, misrepresentation, fabrication, and conspiracy.
Such violations may result in the following: lowering of grades, mandatory 0 on
assignments, redoing assignments, a final failing grade in the course, expulsion
from the course, referral to the student-run Honor Court. The Honor Code states:
“We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold
ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.” On
all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the
following pledge is either required or implied: On my honor, I have neither
given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment. For more
refer to:
Students with Special Needs:
Students requesting
classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office.
The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must
then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation.