Student Name:
Carlo Pascoe
TAs: Adam
Otto Geothals
Instructors: A. A. Arroyo
E. M. Schwartz
Department of Electrical Engineering
EEL 5666
Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory
Weekly Report 8 (7/11/06)
Over the last few days I have concentrated on testing my sensors so that I could write the sensor report and create a PowerPoint presentation. When I went to lab last Thursday I found a way to get my programmer working. Someone told me how they got the same programmer working and it involved me using a different program. With this new software I was able to program my board with the different programs I wrote while I was on my trip. With a little tweaking the programs worked as they should and I was able to interface many of the components with the microcontroller. After testing the individual components I combined a servo, a bump switch, an IR sensor, and LCD to demonstrate obstacle avoidance in lab. I have just connected the individual components to the mavric board so that I don’t have to make special arrangements to bring in my entire robot.