Student Name:
Carlo Pascoe
TAs: Adam
Otto Geothals
Instructors: A. A. Arroyo
E. M. Schwartz
of Florida
Department of
Electrical Engineering
EEL 5666
Intelligent Machines
Design Laboratory
Weekly Report 6 (6/22/06)
While waiting around on campus
last Thursday for the 5:00 lab
section I finally broke down created my website. I included a title section, a brief
description of the robot functionality, and all the weekly reports so far. I ordered my voice recognition circuit so
when that arrives I should have everything I need to construct my robot. I created wiring diagrams for all my systems
so with the wiring supplies I picked up in lab on Tuesday I should be able to
wire everything up over the break and have only programming to do when I get
back. The bump switches that were
ordered do not match the ones that were discussed in class so I will have to
think of someway to substitute these into my design because I had planned to
have the others—there should be no problem doing this.