Date:                      6/08/06

Student Name:           Carlo Pascoe

 TAs:         Adam Barnett

                                  Otto Geothals

     Instructors:            A. A. Arroyo

  E. M. Schwartz





University of Florida

Department of Electrical Engineering

EEL 5666

Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory


Weekly Report 4 (6/08/06)

I have determined what the problem with the shipment of my board was because it is the same thing that is causing all of the parts I have ordered to be late.  Apparently the latest update to the software that FedEx uses to find peoples houses is telling the drivers that my house is on the other side of town.  At least for right now I think I have solved this problem and my parts should be arriving soon – my programmer should arrive today June 8th and most of my other things should arrive tomorrow and Monday.  To date I have ordered and acquired all the components I will need to construct my robot except two drive wheels (I have the caster wheel) and what ever I will need to implement my voice recognition system (I wanted to do more research on the subject before I commit to something).  Other than ordering everything I have place this class on the back burner for the week because I had a test in operating systems on Wednesday June 7th at 7pm.  Now that my test is over I am going to go to lab today and complete my platform over the weekend.