Avast there matey!
Welcome to my pictures website.
I look like a
kaala chawanti in the above picture don’t I. Must be bad lighting.
You may all know
the kinda person I am. This website is pictures only. No essays, no waste of time.
Just pictures and comments. And plenty of comments. So here’s the deal. You
don’t like the picture, tough. My web site and I am the CIC.
Yeah yeah so I am
a geek at heart too. Which one of you isn’t? Before any of you start to blame
me, who here loved the Matrix? So now you are all geeks. I actually had been
hiding this picture so that no one would see it. But know this, if I put my one
of my embarrassing pictures here, you can only imagine what else I have.
So pick a category
and stick to it. I am sure you will be in one of them so don’t worry and happy
ABUZaria (Not for kids) Vikas’s Shadi My Cousins At Their Best Family
Multan My Homes Immediate Family