Inter-American Literature
PRT 3930
(3490) Special Topics in Lusophone
Culture and Civilization (in Translation)
cross listed as LAS
4935 (1796) Latin American Studies Senior Seminar
Spring 2010; Tuesday 7th hour (in WM 202), Thursday
7th& 8th hours
(in AND 21)
Prof. Charles A. Perrone, Office: Grinter Hall 335,
392-2100; message 392-2017 or 392-0375
email:; web: for syllabi, new and old
Course description and objectives:
This course concerns wide-angle modes of cultural
critique in the extreme western hemisphere conceived under the rubrics of
inter-American literature, New World Studies, hemispheric American cultural
studies, and transamerican poetics. The first part of the course examines the
emergence and evolution of those approaches as well as of related concepts of
"America" and "Latin America." Subsequent modules treat of
comparative topics, such as Modernism, vanguardism, and "magic
realism" in the Americas. The second part of the course looks specifically
at relations between Brazil and neighboring nations in the hemisphere though
the prism of contem-porary lyric, in a broad sense encompassing conventional
discursive poetry, concrete/visual varieties, and song.
Required work / Grading:
Class performance, i.e. faithful attendance, evidence
of preparedness, and active participation, including an oral presentations
=14%; activities reports (13 one-pg. written summaries of readings and
discussion, drop lowest) = 36%; a Term Project / Paper= 50%. Instructions to
follow in class and by email. NB: an excellent evaluation is necessary in all
three categories in order to merit an A grade, good in all for B grade, or
adequate in all for C. Scale: A =
93-99.9, A- = 90-92.9; B+ = 87-89.9, B = 83-86.9, B- = 80-82.9; C+ = 77-79.9, C
= 73-76.9, C- = 70-72.9; D+ = 67-69.9, D = 63-66.9; D- = 60-62.9. UF Academic
Honesty Policy will be enforced.
Students using this course for POR major/minor credit should write weekly
Reports in Portuguese.
The following titles should be acquired at local
bookstores or from on-line vendors (price / availability vary). They will also
be on reserve in Library West, along with critical sources. Students using this
course for POR major/minor credit should read texts in the original where
relevant; use the library, read or purchase on line.
--Walter Mignolo, The
Idea of Latin America (Blackwell, 2005)
--Alejo Carpentier, The Kingdom of this World / El reino de este mundo (prefer edition
with 1949 preface)
-- Earl E. Fitz, Rediscovering the New
World: Inter-American Literature in a Comparative Context. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press,
1991. (e-book access via UF library
on-line; used copies available)
--Charles A. Perrone, Brazil, Lyric, and the Americas (UPFlorida, 2010) (abbreviated below
-- Copies of critical and creative selections
(hand-outs and/or pdfs.)
-- On-line readings: e-books, journal segments via UF
library / open-access web sites of presses or authors
Inter-American Literature
PRT 3930 (3490) Special Topics in Lusophone Culture and Civilization
(in Translation)
cross listed as LAS
4935 (1796) Latin American Studies Senior Seminar
Schedule: refer
to readings list below for location of each assignment
January 5 Introduction
/ sites, sources, nomenclature; Read: Eakin
7/ Background,
foundations, geography. Read: Morse "language in america"
12 The
place of Latin American discourse. Read: Mignolo 1994 and 1995
14/ Read:
Mignolo The Idea of Latin America,
preface, chapters 1 - 2 Report 1
19 Read:
Mignolo The Idea of Latin America,
chapter 3, postface. Mart, "Nuestra Amrica"
21/ First
Approaches. Read: Kutzinski; Chavigny&La Guardia, Fernndez; Prez-Firmat/
*Co-sponsored Guest Speaker: Karen Pea, University of Glasgow* Report 2
26 Inter-American
Literature. Read: Fitz New World,
Intro, chapters 1, 2, 7, 10; Cowan
28/ Read:
Fitz 2000; New World Studies. Read: Greene 1998, 2000; Livn-Grosman
/ Regional. Read: Gunn 2001, McClennen & Fitz 2002 Report 3
February 2 Expansions.
Read: Kadir 2003, Taylor 2007
4/ Read:
Handley 2007; Read 2008; Bauer, Zamora & Spitta 2009 Report 4
9 Comparative
Modernism-os, Spanish, Portuguese,
English, Read: Fitz New World Ch. 6
11/ Continued.
Read: Morse, "Triangulating" Additional TBD. Report 5
16 lo real maravilloso; intro Carpentier;
Haiti; Read: Fitz chapters 4, 8; Gonzlez-Echevarra
18/ Read:
El reino de este mundo / The kingdom of
this world Report 6
23 Continue:
El reino / The kingdom Suggested: intro to Zamora et al. on Reserve
25/ Magic
Realism Brazil? Read: J.G. Rosa "So Marcos"-"Woodland
Witchery" Report 7
March 2 Read:
J. G. Rosa, "Meu tio, o iauaret"-"The Jaguar" / Read:
Perrone in Johnson
4/ NewWorldVanguard;
Perrone 7 Faces, chapter 2; See:
Solt, Poesia Concreta VVV 2008
< Mar 6-13
Spring Break >
16 Read:
BLA, Preface, Intro, begin Chapter 1.
The Island of Brazil
18/ Ch.1
Columbus, Caminha; Leminski "Ler pelo no"/"Reading by what's
not" Report 8
23 BLA Chapter 2 Inter-American Language
and Literature
25/ BLA Chapter 2 Inter- American Language
and Literature Report 9
BLA Chapter 3 Media Lore
4/1 BLA Chapter 3 Media Lore Report
April 6
BLA Chapter 4 Neo-Epic; Fitz New World Chapter 3
BLA Chapter 4 Neo-Epic 2, 3 Report
13 BLA Chapter 5 Banda Hispnica I; Sp Am-
BR, Read: Fitz 2004, Schwartz
15/ Evaluation;
BLA Chapter 5, Banda Hispnica II Report
20 BLA
Ch. 6 Tropiclia; BLA Ch. 7 Inters-.
Read: Perrone 2000
[22/ Discretionary review day]
extra: transnational eco-zoo-justice, Rheda "The Sanctuary",
"The Front" Report
Readings in order of assignment and locations
Marhsall Eakin, "Does Latin America
Have a Common History?" Vanderbilt
e-Journal of Luso-Hispanic Studies 1,
http://, archives
volume one (2004). Open access.
Richard Morse, "language in
america." Chapter 1 of New
World Soundings: Culture and Ideology in the Americas. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1989, 11-60; Chapter 2
(partial) "Triangulating Two Cubists." 61-69. First in Latin American Literary Review 14, no. 27 (1986): 175-83. Reserve. PDF.
Walter Mignolo, "Loci
of Enunciation and Imaginary Constructions: the Case of (Latin) America." Editor's introduction, Poetics Today 15. 4 (1994): 505-21. UF
library on line access. PDF.
------. "Afterword: Human
Understanding and (Latin) American Interests--the Politics and Sensibilities of
Geocultural Locations." Poetics
Today 16. 1 (1995): 171-214. UF library on line
access. PDF.
-----. The Idea of Latin America. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005. Required and
Jos Mart, "Nuestra Amrica"
"Our America" "Nossa Amrica". PDF and/or any number of
open access sites.
Vera M.
Kutzinski, Against the American Grain:
Myth and History in William Carlos Williams, Jay Wright, and Nicols Guilln.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1987. Preface ix-xii. Copy. Reserve.
Gale Chevigny
& Gari Laguardia, eds.
Intro. to Reinventing
the Americas: Comparative Studies of Literature of the United States and
Spanish America, Cambridge: Cambridge U P,
1986. 3-33. Copy. Reserve.
Pablo Armando Fernndez, "Dreams of
Two Amricas." 122-38, in Chevigny & Laguardia, ed.
Copy. Reserve.
Gustavo Prez Firmat, ed. Intro. to Do the Americas Have a Common Literature? Durham, NC: Duke
University Press, 1990. Copy. Reserve.
Earl E. Fitz, Rediscovering the New World: Inter-American
Literature in a Comparative Context. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press,
1991. e-book UF library. (acquire if you see available).
-----. "The
Theory and Practice of Inter-American Literature." In Beyond the Ideal: Pan Americanism in Inter-American Affairs, ed.
David Sheinin, 153-65. Westport, Conn.: Praeger-Greenwood Press, 2000. Copy.
Bainard Cowan & Jefferson Humphries,
eds. Poetics of the Americas: Race,
Founding, and Textuality, Cowan Intro. 1-13. Baton Rouge: LSU University
Press, 1997. Copy. Reserve.
Roland Greene, "New World Studies & the Limits
of National Literatures." Stanford
Humanities Review 6.1 (1998): 88-110. Open access:
-----. "Wanted: A New World Studies." American Literary History 1&2
(2000): 337-47. UF library on
Livn-Grosman, "A Poetics of the Americas," CiberLetras 2 (2000). <
Giles Gunn. "Globalizing
Literary Studies." PMLA 116.1.
(2001): 16-31. ON LINE UF.
Sophia McClennen
and Earl E. Fitz, eds. Into to CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 4.2 (2002). Open
Djelal Kadir. "America
and Its Studies." Introduction to "America, the Idea, the
Literature," PMLA 118.1. (Jan. 2003), 9-24. ON LINE UF library.
Diana Taylor. "Remapping Genre
through Performance: from American to Hemispheric Studies." PMLA 122.5 (October 2007)1416-30. ON
LINE UF library.
George Handley, New World Poetics: Nature and the Adamic Imagination of Whitman,
Neruda, and Walcott. Athens: U
Georgia P, 2007. Intro. 19-41. Copy. Reserve.
Justin Read, Hemispheric American Cultural Studies. Albany: SUNY P, 2008.
Preface xi-xxix. Copy. Reserve.
Ralph Bauer,
"Hemispheric Studies". PMLA
124 (Jan. 2009), 234-50. UF library on line access.
Lois P. Zamora and Silvia Spitta, intro.
and eds. "The Americas, Otherwise" Comparative Literature 61.3 (Summer 2009), open access:
< 3>.
Roberto Gonzlez Echevarra, Latin
American and Comparative Literatures. CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 4.2 (2002). URL above. Rpt.
from Cowan and Jeffries.
Alejo Carpentier, El reino de este mundo / The kingdom of this world. Acquire and/or
Reserve. Spanish PDF.
Joo Guimares Rosa, "Woodland
Witchery," in Sagarana. Copy or PDF.
Reserve; original in Sagarana (Rio de
Janeiro: Jos Olympio, 1947), Reserve. "The Jaguar," in The Jaguar and Other Stories. Copy of
PDF. Reserve; original "Meu tio o iauaret" in Estas estrias (Rio de Janeiro: Jos Olympio, 1967). Reserve.
Charles A. Perrone " Joo Guimares
Rosa through the Prism of Magic Realism," in Randal Johnson, ed. Tropical Paths. New York: Routledge,
1990. Reserve and/or pdf.
Mary Ellen Solt, ed., Concrete Poetry: A World View.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1970. Reserve. Many parts on line at
concreta: o projeto verbivocovisual.
Charles A. Perrone, Brazil, Lyric, and the
Americas. Gainesville: U P Florida,
2010. Required and Reserve.
------. Seven Faces: Brazilian Poetry Since Modernism.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1996. Reserve.
------. Topos
and Topicalities: the Tropes of Tropiclia and Tropicalismo." Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 19
(2000): 1-20; on line at <> and/or pdf.
Earl E. Fitz . "Spanish American and
Brazilian Literature in Inter-American Perpsective: The Comparative
Approach." or
http://, archives
volume one (2004).
Jorge Schwartz, "Down
with Tordesillas!" 277-93 in Portuguese
Literary and Cultural Studies 4/5 (2000). Reserve; also as Abaixo Tordesilhas! Revista
de estudos avanados 7, no. 17 (1993): 185-200. PDF.
Regina Rheda, "The
Front, "The Sanctuary," in First
World Third Class and Other Tales of the Global Mix, Austin: U Texas Press,
2005. Reserve.
few other items on reserve. Check ARES list. Some pertinent items under POW
4930/6930 as well.