T 4
Th 4-5 DAU 342 Prof. Charles A. Perrone Office: GRI 335, x 2100 (w/ voicemail);
message at 392-2017 or 392-0375; emails: cap@rll.ufl.edu, perrone@ufl.edu;
Course description and objectives:
This course examines the foundations and major
manifestations of expressive culture in the Northeast of Brazil. After an overview of principal traits
and tendencies of cultural expression in the region, specific perspective
follows on major forms of discourse.
Readings include works of folk narrative, popular and
"erudite" poetry, prose fiction, and drama. Other media include representative films and popular
music/songs, both traditional and contemporary. Issues to come under discussion include historical roots,
regional identity, cyclical problems, the continuum of folk-traditional and
popular-media culture, the contrast of urban and rural societies, and the
opposition of convention and innovation in artistic output. While the prime goal of the course is
to examine topical and thematic areas, it also continues development of
Portuguese language skills through directed class discussion, oral
presentations, careful reading, and composition.
Required work / Grading:
Class participation (faithful attendance and active
participation, including 2+ presentations) 25%; mid-term exam 25%; final exam
25%; term paper (2500 or > words plus bibliography) 25%. An excellent evaluation is necessary in
all categories to merit an A grade, good in all for a B grade, etc.
Graduate students (6930): a report on Durval Muniz and a term paper (please consult).
Two Xerox course packs ( Gator Textbooks ): 1- principally poetry and song;
2- Graciliano Ramos, Vidas secas and Ariano Suassuna, Auto da
Candace Slater, Stories on a String (A vida no barbante) (reserve
or mail order)
Reserve: Durval Muniz de Albuquerque, A
invenção do nordeste e outras artes
Class texts and other critical readings will be
listed on a separate sheet. See UF
lib. ARES on line.
Music Library / LLC ( TUR 1317 ): 3 CassetteTapes /
Recommended: Forró Etc. Brazil
Classics 3 (Luaka Bop CD/K7)
inter alia
Books listed under PRT 3930: Crook, Murphy, Perrone-Dunn, McGowan
Roteiro (sujeito a mudanças); "/"
indicates double session
janeiro 8 Introduction
/ sites
10/ Background,
foundations, geography
15 Euclides
da Cunha; selections from Os Sertões (1902)
17/ VHS: "Canudos de Novo" / Film clip
Canudos; endemic problems
22 Gilberto
Freyre; selections from Casa grande e senzala
24/ Gilberto
Freyre; tvcultura VHS on Casa grande e senzala
29 Outline
of cultura popular nordestina
31/ Cantoria
fevereiro 5 Literatura
de cordel; carnaval, véspera de quarta feira de cinzas
7/ Literatura
de cordel Cf. www.ablc.com.br
12 Literatura
de cordel; presentations
14/ Literatura
de cordel; presentations
19 Drama: Auto da compadecida; Feb. 20 Open F. Swett @ Grinter Galleries
21/ Drama: Auto da compadecida, film clip
*Feb. 22: Guest speaker on Amado, Bahia, carnaval
noon Dauer 219
26 Graciliano Ramos,
Vidas secas; Ellison
introduction and begin Ramos
28/ Vidas
secas / Film clip Take-home mid-term exam
março 4 Poesia
modernista de inspiração nordestina (Cardozo);
presentations >
6/ Poesia
modernista de inspiração nordestina (Ferreira,
8-15 Spring Break
março 18 continua
poesia (Bandeira); presentations >
20/ continua
poesia (C. Pena Filho, Cabral de Melo Neto)
25 Cinema
novo e o nordeste
27/ Film:
Deus e o diabo na terra do sol BRASA
abril 1
e vida severina" (text ) Guest
speaker OndAzul
/ "Morte
e vida severina" (text cont'd) (video)
8 Música
popular tradicional (folclórica)
10/ Música popular moderna
15 Música
popular contemporânea, 1920s > MPB-Tropicalismo
17/ Música
popular contemporânea atual, Tom Zé, Mangue Beat et al.
22 Final
commentaries, evaluation; "Rua da Moeda" em Recife Invenção
24/ Discretionary review
day [re-schedule] lançamento
SFPA Miami
should be submitted no later than April 28 but recommended earlier.
Take-home final exam due by scheduled exam day, Group
1 F, Thurs. May 1, 8 PM
(hard copy to GRI 319 by 4: 30 pm or under door at
GRI 335 by absolute deadline)