T 4 Th 4-5 Prof. Charles A.
Perrone GRI 335; Office Hours: T TH 2- 3 15 or by app't
392 2100 (direct); messages: 392 2017 / 0375; e-mail:
and Objectives: This course concerns currents in
Brazilian lyric since 1950 in broad cultural contexts involving plastic arts,
music, so-called counter-culture, political environment, and history. After reviewing the background of modernismo, we will examine a series of movements, trends, and
themes: concrete poetry; other mid-century neo-vanguards; the politics of
committed verse; the poetry of song; youth poetry of the 1970s-1980s, the
question of postmodernism vis-à-vis lyric in a developing nation, and
"transamerican poetics".
Beyond literarily-focused approaches —close reading, structural
analysis, dramatic theory— the course will encourage inter-disciplinary
treatments of texts and movements.
The class aims to provide understanding of contemporary poetic
manifestations in Brazil both as artistic objects and as historically situated
phenomena, in national and international contexts. With an eye to grasping literary and cultural content, the
course seeks further development of reading and interpretative skills. In addition, enhancement of students'
abilities in written and oral expression is sought, especially via open debate
and discussion.
work and grading:
-- Attendance and
participation, including assigned presentations (20%);
-- Mid-term examination preceding Spring
Break (20%);
-- Take-home/in-class end-term examination (20%);
-- Papers: two short essays, one
in each half of the semester (20% / 20%= 40%);
OR a term
project (editorial, research, analytical, interpretative) (40%).
NB: written and oral instructions for
writing assignments will be given in class and/or by email. Topics should be decided in consultation with the professor; approaches
and methodologies will be appropriate to individual backgrounds, interests, and
fields of study. When in doubt,
please inquire.
Text and Other Readings:
Perrone, Charles A. Seven Faces:
Brazilian Poetry since Modernism) =7F below on schedule
_____. Letras e Letras da
Música Popular Brasileira (reserve,
=LL below on schedule
Additional material in CP= Course Pack at GTI (w/ table of contents), =CP below
on schedule
Items at reserve desk in Smathers Library; =R below on schedule
Reserve, Creative works
Sant'Anna, Música popular e moderna poesia brasileira, =MPMPB, also in CP
in Brasil and Smith, eds. Brazilian Poetry 1950-1980
Augusto de. Viva Vaia Poesia 1949-1979; Não
Décio. Poesia Pois é Poesia
in Simon, Iumna and V. Dantas, eds. Poesia Concreta
Alcyr, ed. Caetano Veloso; Goes, Fred, ed.
Gilberto Gil
Heloisa Buarque de, ed. 26 Poetas Hoje, Esses poetas
Paulo. Caprichos e relaxos, Distraidos Venceremos
Na virada do século; Ascher et
al. and Corona, ed. vols., listed under PRT 2490
Critical works:
Treece, David and Mike Gonzalez.
The Gathering of the Voices:
The Twentieth-Century Poetry
Latin America. (chapters on Brazil)
Roland, ed. Material Poetry in
the Renaissance / Renaissance of
Material Poetry. (HLB)
Erthos Albino de, ed. Poesia Concreta 30 anos. Código
Campos, A. de, H. de Campos, and D. Pignatari. Teoria da Poesia Concreta
Campos, Augusto de. Balanço da Bossa
Sant'Anna, Affonso Romano de. Música popular e
moderna poesia brasileira
Heloisa Buarque de. Impressões de Viagem
Gonzalo. Poesia concreta
brasileira asvanguardas na cruzilhada modernista
Basic readings from books, CP, or
reserve in parentheses; (abbreviations: MPMPB = corresponding section in Sant'Anna CP; CP=
coursepack; R= on reserve; full assignments in class)
Jan. 9 Introduction
to course and contemporary Brazilian history; acquire materials
Jan. 11/ Concepts
of poetry, recent Brazilian examples (CP: Nicola and Infante, Como ler Lexicon for lyric, exemplifications (CP: Nicola and
Infante, cont'd)
Jan. 16 Review
of Modernismo (7F, Intro A; CP: MPMPB, Brito; R: Treece Ch. 3)
Jan. 18/ Generation
of '45, Cabral de Melo Neto (7F, Intro B; CP: MPMPB, Faustino)
Jan. 23 Intro
to Noigandres Group and Concrete Poetry.
(7F Ch. 2 begin; R: Simon and
Dantas intro, CP: MPMPB)
Jan. 25/ Concrete
Poetry: the visual dimension. Slides. Video. Internet. (Continue 7F, Ch. 2)
Jan. 30 Concrete
Poetry 1950s-1960s (R: A. Campos,
Feb. 1/ Concrete
Poetry 1970s-1980s. Slides. Video (7F, Ch. 2, finish)
Concrete Poetry
debates (CP: MPMPB
neo-concretismo, Tendência; Treece 242 ff.)
Feb. 6 Violão
de Rua, Poetry of social commitment
(7F, Ch. 3; MPMPB; Treece 247 ff.)
Feb. 8/ Violão
de Rua (Holanda Impressões) Other neo-vanguards:
Poesia Práxis / poema processo (7F, Ch. 2 end; MPMPB)
Feb. 13 Poetry
of song (7F, Ch.4, begin LL; MPMPB); conceito de,
visão geral
Feb. 15/ Bossa
Nova,Festivais; early MPB(LL Ch. 1, 2) Early Buarque (LL Ch. 3, 7F,
Ch. 4)
Feb. 20 Tropicalismo (R: A. Campos, Balanço; Treece 313 ff.)
Feb. 22 Veloso
Anos 1970s (7F, Ch. 4 cont'd; LL,
Ch. 4; R: Pécora, ed.)
Feb. 27 Revisão,
review of 1920-1980
Mar. 1/ Mid-term
exam in class / Poetry and Performance, video and on line
Mar. 6 Veloso
Anos 1980s-90s (7F, Ch. 6 cont'd;
LL, Ch. 6; R: Pécora, ed.)
Mar. 8/ Gil
(7F, LL 7.1; Goes); Buarque II (LL Ch.5, 7F,
Ch.4) Mar. 10-17
Mar. 20 Other
poet-songwriters / Lyricists (7F,
Ch. 4, end; LL, Ch. 7, 8);
continue 3-29
Mar. 22/ Page
poetry 1970s-1980s (7F, Ch. 5; R:
Holanda Impressões; CP: Secchin, Novaes) Poesia marginal (CP: MPMPB,
Holanda 26 poetas;
Alvim, César, et al.)
Mar. 27 Constructivism-CriaçãoIntersemiótica(7F,Ch.5B,
R: Perrone in Greene; cf ubuweb)
Mar. 29/ Special
guest: Luciana Monteiro on MPB and
gender 1960s-1990s
April 3 Post-modern?
(7F, Ch. 6;
"pós-tudo", R: A. Campos
in Greene; Treece 307 ff.)
April 5/ Post-modern,
post-utopian (7F, Ch. 6
end); Não poemas (R:
A. Campos)
April 10 Transamerican
poetics, introduction (CP: Perrone 2002; R: Holanda intro 1990)
April 12/ Transamerican
poetics: language, allusion,
outros gêneros (Perrone 2006b)
April 17 Transamerican
poetics: épica (R: Perrone 2006a)
April 19/ Transamerican
poetics: Banda Hispânica, late Tropicália
April 24 "O
último poema", "Guardar" or other; Evaluation
April 26 Discretionary
review for/or take-home (7F
postface); Second/term paper by April 27
II. Additional works on contemporary
Brazilian lyric (cf. footnotes in Seven Faces)
Ávila, Affonso. O poeta e a consciência crítica.
Petrópolis: Vozes, 1969.
Chamie, Mário. Instauração Práxis
I: manifestos, plataformas, textos
e documentos críticos-- 1959 a 1972. São Paulo: Edições Quirón, 1974.
Cirne, Moacy. A Biblioteca de
Caicó: Ensaios sobre vanguarda,
semiologia e cultura de massa. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 1983.
_____. Vanguarda, um projeto
semiológico. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1975.
Coutinho, Afrânio, ed. A
Literatura no Brasil. Rio de
Janeiro: José Olympio, 1986.
Dantas, Vinícius. "A nova poesia brasileira e a
poesia." Novos Estudos CEBRAP 16 (1986), 40-53.
Faustino, Mário. "A poesia concreta e o momento
poético brasileiro." In Poesia Experiência. São
Paulo: Perspectiva, 1976. 209-219.
Franchetti, Paulo. Alguns Aspectos da Teoria da
Poesia Concreta. Campinas:
UNICAMP, 1989.
Freitas Filho, Armando. "Poesia
Vírgula Viva" in Novaes, ed. Anos 70 Literatura. Rio de Janeiro: Europa, 1979. 83-122.
Gullar, Ferreira. Vanguarda e
subdesenvolvimento. Rio: Civilização Brasileira, 1969.
_____. Cultura posta em questão.
Rio: Civilização Brasileira, 1965.
Houaiss, Antonio. Drummond mais seis poetas e um
problema. Rio de Janeiro:
Imago, 1976.
Lucas, Fábio. Vanguarda, História & Ideologia
da Literatura. São Paulo:
Icone, 1985.
Mendonça, Antônio Sergio and Álvaro de
Sá. Poesia de Vanguarda no Brasil:
De Oswald de Andrade ao Poema Visual. Rio de Janeiro: Antares, 1983.
Merquior, José Guilherme. "Musa
morena moça: notas sobre a nova poesia brasileira". Tempo Brasileiro
42-43 (Dec. 1975), 7-19.
Pontual, Roberto. "Poesia hoje: tarefa revolucionária." Tempo
Brasileiro 1: 2 ( 1962),
Portella, Eduardo. Vanguarda e cultura de massa.
Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro, 1978.
Simon, Iumna Maria and Vinícius Dantas. "Poesia
ruim sociedade pior." Novos estudos CEBRAP 12 (1985), 48-61. Trad. in Yudice et al. eds. On
Edge: The Crisis of Contemporary
Latin American Culture.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1992. 141-159.
Teles , Gilberto Mendonça. Retórica do silêncio I Teoria e prática do texto literário. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 1989.