POR 3500 Luso Brazilian Civilization
2008 Section 3110 MWF 7 NSC
225 Professor Charles A. Perrone,
GRI 335
OH: MWF 8 or by app't ; phone 392 2100;
message: 392 2017, 392 0375;
Description and Objectives: This course is a general introduction
to the institutions and cultural practices of Brazil, beginning with the
historical foundations and legacies of Portugal. The class covers artistic
trends and diverse manifestations of Luso-Brazilian civilization from the
Middle Ages to the present, with emphasis on the contemporary period. Some attention will be paid to the
major Lusophone African nations as well. The multi-media approach includes
print sources, video, film, and sound recordings. The course further provides opportunities to improve oral /
written language skills and previews topics to be covered in more advanced POW
classes and in other courses in Brazilian studies.
Texts: GTI Copies
Pack 1, various, and 2: Carolina Maria de Jesus, Quarto de despejo
Grading: Exam
1, 25%; Exam 2, 25%; Brief papers (5), 25%; Preparation and Participation
(including assigned presentations) 25%.
NB: need excellent in all categories for A.
Schedule: Refer to
copypack table of contents for reading assignments below.
Aug. 25 Introduction (purchase copypack at GTI Copies);
Ficha pessoal
Aug. 27 Review
of semester materials (i.e. Have the pack in hand!); Web sources
Aug. 29 History
of Portuguese language; Williams
Sep. 1 No
class; Labor Day
Sep. 3 Maritime
expansion, epoch of "discovery"; begin Caminha, "Carta"
Sep. 5 "Discovery"
of Brazil; finish "Carta"
(first sections of Jordan and Rossi)
Sep. 8 Early
contact, Staden, "Viagem" A
Sep. 10 Early
contact, Staden, "Viagem" B
12 Docs: Brandão,
"Diálogo das Grandezas" Literature, begin Jordan "Noções"
(writing assigment #1)
Sep. 15 History; Jordan and Rossi through XVIIIth
Sep. 17 History; Jordan and Rossi through XIXth century
Sep. 19 History
and literature: Castro Alves, "Navio negreiro"; Caetano CD
Sep. 22 History
to 1950: Finish Jordan and Rossi
Sep. 24 Cândido,
³A Revolução de 1930 e a Cultura²
Sep. 26 History
CD ROM [Cândido, ³Dez livrosŠ² tba]
Sep. 29 Modernismo
essay: Buarque de Hollanda, "O Homem Cordial" A
Oct. 1 Modernismo
essay: Buarque de Hollanda, "O Homem Cordial" B
3 Essay: Mello Franco, "Africanismo"
,"O Choque das Tres raças"
assignment #2)
Oct. 6
to modern Brazil, geography, regions (Slides)
Oct. 8
video: "Os Brasileiros,"
Jordan "O Cenário Etnográfico"
Oct. 10 Video
"O povo brasileiro" (TV Cultura), or other
Oct. 13 Diegues,
from Etnias e culturas; tbd:
Cantadores-Violeiros de PE
Oct. 15 Diegues,
from Etnias e culturas
Oct. 17 General
Oct. 20 First
Oct. 22 Exam
pt. 2; focus on Salvador da Bahia, slides
Oct. 24 Homecoming,
no class
assignment #3)
Oct. 27 Quarto
de despejo- diário de uma favelada
Oct. 29 Quarto
de despejo
Oct. 31 Quarto
de despejo
Nov. 3 Introduction
to folklore; Ribeiro, ³Teoria do folclore²
Nov. 5 Folk
and traditional popular music; Lamas
Nov. 7 Urban
popular musics; Sodré on music
Nov. 10 Mass
culture and media (TV, radio, press); Sodré
Nov. 12 Begin
film Bye Bye Brazil
Nov. 14 Finish
Bye Bye Brazil
assignment #4)
Nov. 17 Sodré
"Cinema" and discussion of film
Nov. 19 Dictatorship
to New Republic (1964- 1985)
Nov. 21 Fortuna
on TV, ads a, b
Nov. 24 Fortuna
on TV, ads c, d
Nov. 26 Recent
popular music, DVD - CD
Nov. 28 Thanksgiving,
no class
Dec. 1 Lusophone
Africa, history; "Os novos países de língua portuguesa"
Dec. 3 Lusophone
Africa "Poesia africana de expressãoŠ", A. Neto
Dec. 5 Lusophone
Africa continued; Evaluation
(writing assignment #5)
Dec. 8 The
Simpsons in Brazil
Dec. 10 Review Second
exam, tba
Dec. 12 ³Discretionary
Boas férias