
                           Penguin familyPenguins in the Artic

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Penguins are birds with black and white feather that waddle when the walk. Unlike most birds, penguins are not able to fly in the air. But. penguins spend 75% of their life under water searching for food. When penguins dive into the water they flap their wings and it looks just like they are flying! Penguins can speed through the ocean waters at 15 miler per hour.

Penguins are warm blooded, just like humans. They maintain a body temperature of 100 degrees Farenheit. Like whales, penguins have a layer of fat under their skin called "blubber." Covering the layer of fat, are penguin's fluffy "down" feathers. On the very top thay have outer feather that seal in warmth.

All penguins eat seafood-mainly fish-but they also like squid and small shrimp-like animals called "krill." The penguin's bill looks like a hook, perfect for catching food. When they are thirsty, penguins only drink salt water.