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hi. i'm pam.

blonde. 19. short. blue-eyed.

florida. gainesville. music major at UF.
dreamer. cynic. cherrycoke-chugger. clogger. pizza-addict. flute player. minute-by-minute-decision-maker. harvey danger-fan. hockey player. romantic.

two parts supermodel.

one part musician.

more, you say? fine. here is a random survey i took once.

1. Name: pam, spam

2. birthday: 10-18-84

3. Do you wish on stars? no.

4. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you? julia syles?

5. What are you afraid of? loneliness

6. What is the #1 priority in your life? ::sigh::

7. Do you have any bad habits? lying. oh, and biting my nails.

8. What store would you never be caught dead in? Is this really all that important?

9. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I'd like to think so.

10. Do you follow or lead? I tend to follow, unless it's something i really care about.

11. Have you ever told a secret that you swore you wouldn't repeat? See Question #7.

12.Have you ever stolen anything? silverware. and bowling shoes

13. Do looks matter? Not particularly. there has to be an initial attraction, but it's the connection that lasts.

14. Do you pray? no.

15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? i think it's safe to say no.

16. Are you trendy? this depends on if lime green and burgandy match.

17. What do you do to vent anger? Write.

18. Are you passive or aggressive? generally passive.

19. Who is your idol? not so sure i have one.

20. Who is your second family? sarcasm.

21. Do you trust others easily? it depends on the vibe.

22. What was your favorite toy as a child? skip-it

23. What is the punch-line to your favorite joke? If i was a sweater i'd becoming all over you.

24. Do you like sappy love songs? depends on recent events

25. Do you think your life so far has been good? Good is relative...but sure, why not.

26. Which was your best Halloween costume? i was never anything interesting

27. Do you keep a diary? more of a random notebook, it's not such an obligation

28. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? no.

29. Do you like sarcasm? Nooooooo...

30. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? on the outskirts.

31. Do you always wear a seat belt? Yep.

32. Do you drink milk? gotta love it. does a body good.

33. What is your porn name? Kirby Kennedy

34. Did you pay money to see Honey I Shrunk The Kids? I think we waited till it came out on TV

35. Would you rather be hot or cold? Cold

36. What is the first thing on your Holiday list? A watch

37. Could you be a vegetarian? why would i want to do that?

38. What word do you use when you think something is good? goodstuff.

39. Would you ever bungee jump? i enjoy cheating death.

40. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? no

41. Who is your favorite boy band? you really must be joking.

42. Have you ever given money to a bum? Yes, i have trouble saying no.

43. What are you worried about right now? i don't tell just anybody

44. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? depends on the time of week