My Hobbies
Hobbies are one of those things that entertain us between the times we socialize.
Gaming People presume that games consist of mindless hours before a computer or sitting playing cards. This is so very true. However, the intrigue comes not in the static movement of one's limbs, rather we discover our analytical power and gain knowledge learning and understanding as we play games. Games are more than a thing to pass time, they are small models that describe part of our world. Usually these models depict small scale economics, fantasy worlds, or other abstract models. The benefits of gaming is a boost in self esteem and sense of accomplishment. Truly, I must say gaming entertains me not for the fun of playing, but for being able to extrapolate my own entertainment based on what I've seen before and what I see in the world around me. Go ahead and ask me, I'll explain everything in detail.
Kite Flying The joy of flight is something that amazes everyone. Young or old, alike we all dream to have wings and to be able to fly. Kites give us a sense of closeness to where we wish to be. The power and beauty of the wind whistling around and dragging and then letting go limp one's kite imparts insight into the power of nature. It is truly awe inspiring fun!
Computers Computers go hand in hand with gaming. However the admiration of this concept is more scholarly then mathematical or analytical. Computers are about computation, analysis, and data. The most fascinating thing to me is data. Being able to store almost anything, give it form, be able to represent it in limitless form, and begin to fit it into our lives. We like simple models, we like nice neat fitting categories for everything to be categolized in. Computers are a means to an end in this matter, as data is anything that we as humans may want to explore, share, or reminicse upon. So think of computers not as a clunky burden, but rather something there to support and benefit you.
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