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Tree Transforms Audio/Video Unification
Perl Programs VHDL Designs
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Audio/Video Unification
This is a personal project unrelated and unrestricted by UF affiliation. This project is what I hope will be the foundation of something great one day.
For now, this project will be a listing of some simple concepts to elaborate on what it will fully encompass. Enjoy!!!
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Tree Transformations
This is the subject of my senior project. After taking Translators with Dr. Bermudez, I decided that there should be alternate methods of adding functionality to a translator. This functionality can be implemented as a short cut with the introduction of tree transformations. Specific applicable useability includes transformation of "switch/case" into "if/else" and "for" into "while" statements.
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Perl Programs
Practical Extraction and Report Language aka PERL, is a great language for writing any text parsing programs. However, it can be slow when it manipulates databases in excess of thousands of lines. My programs are very simple and contain about 20-50 lines of code.
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Java Programs
Java..Java..Java..., my friends want me to put that here. They say I speak Java. Java is a wonderful successor to C/C++. It doesn't contain the low level hardware manipulation that C permits, and thus can be problematic in high speed devices. However, Java is wonderful for designing large scale multi-platform utilities. Those programs such as MS Office, Corel Suite, etc. that everyone uses from time to time. Java allows modular systems to be designed very easily and logically. Great for large software packages that aren't speed dependent. My programs are mainly array reversals, and designing fast arrays using trees and the like.
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VHDL Designs
VHSIC-HDL aka VHDL stands for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language. My designs are for simple devices such as adders and such. The hierarchial approach that I've used allows for easy manipulation of smaller building blocks to build large scale logic circuits. Very spiffy stuff.
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