Myriad Nano Update
-- 11/18/01
This is just a general update of all the Nano Technology
that's being researched at the moment. Very neat stuff.
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Carbon Based Nano-Sized Devices
-- 10/9/01
It seems that nano-technology is on the cusp of some major
computing revelations. Nano-sized magnets. Carbon based
super conducting wires. And my favorite, nano-gates. n &
p-type nano-tubes have been designed and function at 150nm.
Eventually these will shrink down to 2nm and they can be placed
in relatively close distances with each other to form molecular
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DSP Support Device
-- 10/9/01
Breakthrough in DSP technology. Rather than build a fast DSP
circuit that performs individual operations on it's inputs, a new
methodology of applying functions to an input of light, that
results in a specific light output as answer has been devised.
The concept is much akin to that of using amplifiers to make
integrating devices. These new light based function evaluators
will be able to perform fourier transforms at the speed of light
and allow the result to be crunched by a DSP chip after the
conversion. Very fast and very cool. Go
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Motorola claims cheap GaAs Chips
-- 9/6/01
Gallium Arsenide chips are the Holy Grail of computer chip design.
The reason for this is that they switch states 5-10 times faster
than conventional Silicon chips. This breakthrough should lead
to chips that are 35 times faster than current devices. For more
details check out the link below.
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PowerPC to Integrate DRAM Controller
-- 8/29/01
Interesting topic of RISC vs CISC comes to mind here. Motorola
may very well start a new industry trend if they add a direct bus
for DRAM accesses. At least this means all those MAC's will be
fast as grease lightning. Lots of good info in this article, so go
read it!
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Molecular Circuit
-- 8/28/01
Well if the article below doesn't pique your interest, then this
might. Rather than making chains of particles that can affect
electrons in a predictable manner, IBM has gone in a different
directions and makes tubes. These tubes are similar to the
Nanochains below, but are made differently.
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-- 8/28/01
In an interesting twist on the entire ordeal of chip size and
chip density, new technology in making sub-atomic transistors.
The significance? The .02nm transistors mentioned elsewhere
on this page will seem as huge to these new transistors as current
transistors are to .02nm versions. Want to know more about the
science, follow the link to learn all about the future of computing.
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DVD+RW Joins the Game
-- 8/23/01
This is interesting....There appears to be 3 main formats for DVD
authoring: DVD RAM, DVD-RW, and DVD+RW. DVD RAM is
the first to be released, but doesn't necessarily work with current
disc players. DVD-RW on the other hand allows you to write
data discs and player discs. However, the industry doesn't like it
because it has no defect management built in and it is less reliable
than DVD RAM for data storage. DVD+RW on the other hand
offers defect management (uncool), good data storage, and works
in players. Interesting read...
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Super Computer
-- 8/16/01
Now this is one mother of a computer. Where else but with
the US government would anyone think of filling up large
rooms with computer components to make the fastest, largest,
greatest super computer ever. Just wish I could see Quake
run on this baby...
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Petabyte Drives
-- 7/02/01
And just after I mentioned Big hard drives, Maxtor has to
release this article... I mean who is really going to need
144,000 gigabytes. I can understand needing that much
space if you say are the US Government archiving all
things every written published, etc. But for anyone else
and a decent mp3 collection, come on. That's not a decent
mp3 collection these things can hold, it's like all the audio
ever recorded along with intro videos to the authors.
Maybe even all concerts ever done on video...that'd be
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Linux Disected
-- 6/21/01
The composition of linux, down to the bare bones. Ever
wonder how much work has gone into this operating system?
Ever wonder why it's so large? Ever ask how much the
total OS is worth if it had been researched by a corportation?
Read on to answer these and many more questions.
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HD Storage Increases
-- 6/19/01
Not really that amazing. HD Storage increases yearly with about
double the size available the previous year. But just look at
how much data these babies can hold with 80 and 100GB of data!
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CD Eating Fungus
-- 6/19/01
Do you enjoy CD's, DVD's, and other optical devices? Well be
warned! A new bacteria has been found, and IT EATS YOUR CD'S!!!
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.02nm Transistor
-- 6/19/01
Now that transistors are reaching their smallest possible
theoretical size, Moore's law is being put to the ultimate test.
Will computers continue to grow as they have? Only the future,
Intel, and IBM can tell us.
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Single Electron Memory
-- 6/19/01
Can you say, "Small, fast, cheap, efficient"? If you can,
then this is the breakthrough for you. Go on read more!
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Electron Flow
-- 6/19/01
IBM is claiming to have created a new process that will stream
transistors so that electrons will flow up to 70% faster. This
should coorelate to 35% gains in processing speed. Coupled
with Intel's new nano transistors, expect Moore to eat his
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