Weekly progress

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Week 1

In this first week, I developed my individual webpage and then decided on a meeting time with my subgroup by combining our schedules. Finally, we discussed various ideas for the project which we voted on in class Monday Sept. 8th.

Week 2

In this week we establish what our project would be. We also chose subgroup leaders to meet once a week. Additionally we assigned activities for everyone in the group to achieve this week's goals.

Week 3

This week my subgroup met on Wednesday as scheduled. We completed the assignment given to us in class to be turned in on Friday. We established what our role would be within the bigger group for the week as decided by the subgroup leaders in their meeting. Our concrete decisions were:

This is the subgroup leaders' decision:

Get really familiar with Version 1 of simulator code (google site: trunk --> scr --> org --> jpilotexam -->jps), which is the version in the repository. Type up a document describing everything found while doing this and explaining the code. Comment the code and update in repository.

This is how we are accomplishing it:

Review and Document this code and make a document of with each class name, input/outputs, what it does, and any other relevant information.

Week 4

This week my subgroup is helping with creating the power point presentation. Additionally, we are in chare of compiling all of the documentation created after the entire group researched the code. Because the documentation is not complete, and the formats every person used are very different, we decided to come up with a format so that we could split up the work and do it independently this week. Our individual work is as follows:

Once all the work is done, they will email it to me and I will put it in one file and upload it to the group's docuemnt page. This should be done by Sunday night. I will also work on my 1st Progress Report and have it done by Tuesday the 30th.

Week 5 (Sep 30 to Oct 7)

This week, we had our meeting as usual. In this meeting, we split up the work for the week. That work consists of making the Ignored, Marked, Correct and Wrong buttons work. We will also add an All button and give it functionality. Additionally we will place all th buttons that are on the Review Panel on the Exam Panel to give the user more flexibility. We will add a label to both panels explaining what the navigation buttons are for since it's not very clear. Our main priority was to have a Submit button on the Exam Panel so that the user does not need to press Review first and then Submit. Also the submit button is now called Finish which is kind of confusing since the user might think it means to close the review screen and not to end the exam itself. All these things will make navigating the software easier and more self-explanatory(less confusing).

Individual Expected Work for the Week (This week we're sort of working in pairs):

Week 6(Oct 7 to Oct 14)

This week, I have already done the following: For the rest of the week, David and I will be working on developing a sign-in screen and adding functionality to it.
This screen will allow users to: The rest of our group will be creating a User class that will have all the properties and methods to allow the user accounts to exist and to load information from them when a session starts and save information to them when a session ends.

Week 7(Oct 14 to Oct 21)

This week I met with my subgroup on a different day and at a different time. We met before discussion at 12:50pm to complete the peer evaluation. We also split up the work that needed to be done for the Simulator this week. So far we're on schedule and everything seems to be going well. Here's the breakdown of work:

Since Josh will be finishing the Student class this week, we will not be able to give these screens full functionality. So I anticipated that next week we will all be working on making the account system work properly and lnking all of our work together.

Week 8(Oct 21 to Oct 28)

This week my subgroup will be creating the test case template and the test result template. We will also be designing the teacher account and the teacher class as well as working on the assignment given to us in class by Mr. Dobbins.

After giving it some thought and consulting with my groupmates, I came up with this design for the teacher account class solution. We're now going to have just a User Class for both teachers and students which will have a:

We need a new method for when a teacher logs in, to get an array of their current students:

Something like getStudents(TeacherUserName) which would return all the student for which TeacherUserName equals the parameter passed in which is the UserName of the teacher that just logged in.

The login method in the LoginPanel class, which calls a compareTo method in the User class will now have to check to see if the user is a teacher and call the getStudents method in the User class.

Later on in the week I will give Mnemonics to the following buttons:

Week 9 (Oct 28 to Nov 4)

This week I will be creating a test plan with my subgroup's members. We will also be evaluating our peer's test plan for the MS Paint application. I will individually be printing out and bringing that to class. This week I will also write my 2nd progress report.

This week, David and I have already redesigned the entire Login and Welcome system and the registration system. This is what we came up with: (Here's the drawn version)

-administrator subclass of user
-default admin, admin
-change various student code to user code
-on login, check if obj file, if none then make default adminstrator login
-remove create account from login

-welcome screen for admin
-list of teachers
-create teacher account
-same as teacher with different argument
-edit teacher account
-edit admin account
-build exam

-welcome screen for teacher
-list of students
-create students
-user name
-password (default password is username)
-edit teacher account
-edit student account
-use whats already made for studetns
-delete student
-view student grades
-will open viewStudentGrades with selected student
-build exam

-welcome screen for student
-view info
-change password
-new gui
-log out
-take exam

Here's how we have assigned the tasks to ourselves and everyone else:

0 Design the system (NURY/DAVID)
1 Welcome for admin (SID)
2 welcome for teacher (SID)
3 welcome for student (Modify) (DAVID)
4 createUser screen (NURY)
5 CreateAdmin screen (ALEX)
7 work on admin class (JOSH)
8 change student/teacher/user/admin issues in code (JOSH)
9 check if obect = null on startup, to call createAdmin screen (JOSH)
10 remove create account from login (DAVID)
11 Final cleanup/synchronization (DAVID)

Week 10 (Nov 4 to Nov 11)

This week we plan to write all the code necessary to link all of the registration and login screens to the welcome screen according to the design in my diagram.

This is how we split up the work:

This is what I've done so far this week

Week 11 (Nov 11 to Nov 18)

This week I had a meeting with my subgroup to discuss this week's work. Josh proposed adding a picture of the user so that teachers can identify their students. David discussed a bug that was not allowing the Admin to login correctly sometimes. We will both be working on that to find and fix the problem.

I found the bug that was not letting the Admin log in correclty. When you logged in once and logged out, the JPESimulator.admin was being set to null. The fix was easy but finding the problem took a little bit of time. Apparantly David and I worked on it separately and we both committed our solutions, but the sbug is fixed so it probably accepted the last one.

I played with the existing system to identify current bugs. Found the following:

David, Josh and I have been working on fixing these bugs, Sid has been adding missing functionality to all the screens and Alex has been fixing out test cases and he was also really sick for the majority of the week. :(

Since the 4 of us have been working on pretty much all of the code at the same time, a lot of different solutions to the same problems have been generated and it seems that there's been duplication of efforts. Every programmer works differently and because we're all working on the same stuff without notice, more things are braking because of the lack of organization. This is one of the things that we need to talk about in the meeting and correct for next week.

Week 12 (Nov 18 to Nov 25)

This week we had a meeting to discuss the implementation of the following:

To do this week: Test Cases are split up the following way: (Test results due by Dec 1st)
Put them up on the Wiki with the right format.
Alex will combine test results
Alex will work on the Presentation

I have spent a couple of hours working on saving the results to the disk after a student takes a test. I had some trouble getting the right format and now I have some trouble using dynamic naming for the file. I will continue to work on it, right now it saves the file with a static name so each time it will get replaced. I added, the title, the score and some instructions to the file on top of the questions and their answers. I still need to add a Pop up message saying that the file has been saved and specifying the name of it. And also I'd like to use a Save dialog box to allow the user to pick location and name on their own, but I've never done that so I have to keep looking into it.

Week 13 (Nov 25 to Dec 2)

Save functionality is fully implemented now, except the user has to make sure they enter an extension. I would like to make it so that it defaults to html since it's an HTML file that is getting saved.

Our weekly meeting will most likely be today(Tuesday) since we're all getting out of town tomorrow. We just need to go over testing and the progress we have made so far. We need to discuss any requirements that still need to be implemented.

After the meeting we have decided to go ahead and start testing already, and skip those test cases involving requirements that are yet to be implemented for now. We realize most likely we're not going to be doing this over Thanksgiving so testing will be completed by Friday Dec 5th.

Week 14 (Dec 2 to Dec 9)

I will be working on the Printing functionality for the rest of the week. The user should be able to print an exam's results when he/she's done. I will try to work on both that and the testing simultanously.

This is what was decided for this week:

Add pictures to simulator- HIGH - David

In Edit Pass and Pic: When button pushed, Welcome Screen is not disposed - high - Josh

On Review Panel: Print and Exit button overlap - medium - Sid

In student grades: "Login Name" label is cut off. - medium - Nury

In Edit Pass and Pic: Change this to two buttons and use Password and Picture - medium-Nury

Fix printer problems - Medium - Nury/Josh

close on info panel does not return to welcome - low - Josh

Change credits - low - Alex

fix typos - low- Nury

merge exam information screens - low - SID

Other than that, some people need to finish testing.

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