Here's the daily video. I'll get around to coding a real page for it soon.

I've had a few minor troubles with what happens when my network server goes down; the webcam used to be based on that. Now, I think I've fixed it so the show will go on even if the network goes down (the images are saved locally and still compiled in the movie).

If you're using internet explorer, you might see a much crappier version of this video than is actually available -- it has to do with the way I specified the size of the video, but then IE adds its own control bars to the bottom, deforming the shape of the movie. Try watching it at 200 percent, or full screen, believe it or not, it'll look better than the window. Or save it and view it from home.

By the way!! My mpeg compiler is having trouble and is dropping frames (lots of them). If you're computer doesn't show the whole video, it's either because the rest hasn't downloaded, or because my program is going whacky again. I'll updated this when I get the issue resolved.

Download it here, or watch it below.

Return to the main site. I promise, it looks a lot nicer than this quickly put together page.