It is almost certainly time for a musing. Here's the background. I'm an idiot. Here's the other part of the background -- I decided it might be neat to not actually work on my homework during the day off we had because, well, see previous background information. So I decide to put it off because I can do it in the evening. Sure, that works ok if I actually plan on working on it during the evening. Uh oh, I have homegroup (church group, biblestudy type dealiebopper). Well, I guess I'll have to finish after homegroup. After homegroup... sure, sure I can go to MacDonalds for a little bit, pick up a shake (vanilla... ummm, gooooood), and mosey on home. Ok, 11:30 now, maybe I should start work. Ok, start work. Decide (yes, I realize this is nearly incoherant, but believe me, it's true to my mental state; that's the exact impression I'm going for) that maybe I should watch a little bit of those movies on my computer my friend has been sending me. By the way, I mean ~full~ movies. Not just little snippits. So as I'm attempting to finish up one of my assignments, I watch the first half of austin powers. Crap, the second half got messed up as he's sending it. Friend logs off ICQ (network problem, maybe? Or avoiding me, equally likely), obviously not going to get second half. Well then, I guess I have to watch American Pie which he sent the night before. Watch American pie. It's three now? Oops. Still have to finish Diffe q's. No problem, it turns out DQ homework assignment is under a page of work. Well, there's one tiny problem - I don't know what I'm doing. At this point, I begin to become loopy. Yes, loopy. I like loopy, I love lucy. Loopy. Anyway, now that I've proven my point (like I said, this is all stream of consciousness here). Finished with DQ (well, mostly -- the last problem isn't quite done yet, which is ironic, because I realize it's IDENTICAL to an early problem -=- this assignment is treating the material from the opposite perspective, and is merely using the old techniques to verify the validity of my work -=- but unfortunately, I have no clue how I figured out the problem before. Crap. Decide I should call my parents, because it's 7:00 and they're up. Talk for a while. Have a good conversation. Dad notices I'm reserved. I tell him I'm trying not to wake my roommates. I'm not. And I'm also trying to not be loopy. Because as much as I deny it, my stream of scoaijsdflakj (I didn't feel like spelling that word again, it's too difficult for my brain right now), proves that I am, indeed, loopy. Whacked, crazy, psycho, gone, out of it, nuts, insane, dang it, I'm so gone, my built-in-thesorous (holy crap, that's spelled so poorly, I'm going to leave it in for humor's sake) isn't functioning. Ok, time to go. I've showered and dressed. Got my stuff for class. Gonna get there early. Maybe someone will remember how to do the old problem.



Ok, I'm going to jot something else down before I forget (he's lying, he just wants to write something wierd).

There isn't much inside the dimly lit room. The bare walls hallowly reverberate with the muted ~thlacking~ of fingers flying over a keyboard. Scratching his eyes, the linux superLuser leans back for a moment, stretching the fabric of his faded cotton "Transformers" t-shirt. Then again, the shirt should be tight, he's had it for 12 years now. And he's only 19. Resuming his noise-making, Lex searches again. And again, he finds nothing. "Dang," he swears (even if moderately) under his breath, "nothing -- again!"

Ok, I'm sorry, I can't BS anymore, I feel like going now. I'm just trying to decide if I want to be a writer. I'll practice actually writing things in my musings. Maybe I'll even think about what I'm going to write BEFORE the next word is required after the current one. I imagine the product might be slightly more organized and cohesive. Plus, it might actually have some purpose. Bye.