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Life is too important to be taken seriously. --Oscar Wilde

Course Info

Course: ENG 1131
Section: 6259
Room: CBD 110B, Weil 410
Time: T 5-6, R 6 & W E1–E3

Instructor: Nicholas Guest-Jelley
Office: TUR 4415
Office Hours: TR 7 and by appointment


Websites and Other Assignments:

This course offers plenty of opportunities to practice learning how to "write thru media" by engaging and creatively completing the assignments. While useful for offering feedback, grades can also be discouraging. I have often have students who are severely disappointed by "Bs." This is a feeling I can relate to. I never liked "getting" Bs either. But please understand that grades can also act as motivators, helping you realize that you can improve in certain areas. The type of learning that this class hopes to provide relies on much more than memorization of concepts and pushes students to creatively manipulate the information provided. As many of assignments encourage and often force the student to provide creative solutions to daminding problems, the final outcome will be graded as much on effort as on ability. I have no doubt that every student who creatively engages with the material is capable of producing excellent work. I also expect that the student attempt to overcome difficulty with my guidance, if needed.

  1. Semester Project: Make a Website Rhapsody. No prior experience necessary. Everything technical that is required will be taught to you. These websites will accumulate work done in smaller assignments and allow student to play creatively with the forms of media and create a complete web "rhapsody" based on existing genres we'll discuss in class. 450 pts. The first two parts are worth 50 points; the third is worth 100 points; the final 250.
  2. 5 web assignments worth 25 points each. These assignments offer students the chance to experiment with the forms needed to complete the websites. They will also offer a chance to understand the course information in a different of more complete way. Total points = 125
  3. Three website presentations worth 25 points each. The presentation will allow students to present their project and discuss with me or the class their experience of learning, including any difficulties or epiphanies experienced along the way. These can also be a great to make the class fun and show off your senses of humor. Total points = 75
  4. Twelve emails (one per week) worth 10 points each (drop the lowest two). The emails will way for students to collectively brainstorm about the projects, share ideas, and engage with the reading material before class discussion illuminates its secrets. No censorship allowed (besides having respect for your classmates, of course)! Total points = 100
  5. In-class participation grade. Grading class participation offers me a way to give you feedback on you engagement and interaction with the class material. This grade also offers students and incetive to attend, and interact in, class and remain alert throughout. Not that you'll get a chance to fall asleep during my hilarious lectures! Total points = 100
  6. Three in-class reviews/open-note reading tests, one per project, devised by each band (50 pts per). These reviews/tests should encourage students to keep up with reading and take notes on readings. Doing so will allow mastery of the information and will significantly improve performance on projects. Total Points = 150.

Total Points = 1,000

900-1000 = A
866-899 = B+
800-865 = B
766-799 = C+
700-765 = C
666-699 = D+
600-665 = D
599 and below = E