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Let’s Talk About Anticoagulants and Anti-platelet Agents




American Stroke Association

Year of Publication


Target Audience

Middle Age people (40-70) who are prone to strokes/heart disease

Suggested Setting

In a class room setting that focuses on heart health

Length/Size (minute/page)

2 pages

Information on the Web (if applicable)


Downloadable at


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Cost (USD)


Information updated

June 11, 2005


Nicole Plummer




Doctors are now prescribing anti-coagulants and anti-platelets to their patients who seem to be prone to having strokes.  The reason for this medication is to aid in the process of preventing blood clots in the arteries, veins, and heart.  Anticoagulants, also known as blood thinners, are used to temporarily stop the forming of clots.  They also allow existing clots to remain the same size.  Coagulants should be taken under the supervision of a doctor because patients need to take regular blood test.  Their diets need to be regulated and they should consult with their doctors if they are going to take supplements.  Antiplatelets help in the aid of people with atherosclerosis.  A type of antiplatelet drug is aspirin.  Aspirin is a drug that also helps in stroke prevention.  A division of the American Heart Association called the American Stroke Association came out with the signs of recognizing a stroke.  Some of them include:  Feeling weak in the face and on one side of the body, sudden blindness, dizziness and headaches.  They want the public to be aware of what a stroke is, so they have a general hotline to call: 1-888-4-STROKE.

Critical Comments



Content- The content of this resource is thorough enough to get the main idea across to the public.  It addresses different topics such as strokes, atherosclerosis, and the ways that we can find out how to detect if we may have the symptoms.

Value- The value in this article is credible because it is a branch of the American Heart Association.  They are a well know organization who has done extensive research on this topic.

Need And Usage- This topic is very much needed in this country because heart disease is the number one killer among people.  If the public is more knowledgeable about this topic they can start to prevent some of these casualties by changing their lifestyles.

Depth- The depth and length of this article was appropriate because it wasn’t too long or too short.  It has sufficient information and applicable suggestions that the public can remember.

Appeal- the content was appealing to an extent because it gave a lot of helpful tips in what ordinary people can do to understand certain signs and effects of strokes.  Content that is more applicable is more appealing than a lot of random information.