Scene 1

Intro title sequence - 275f,

mouth sequence - 135f

Action: Opening title(s), fade to black



Action: Fade from black, camera pulls out from ECU of inside creature's mouth. Crossfade of heart and esophagus

Audio: Biological, digesting sounds, grumbling stomach


Action: Camera continues to pull out of mouth

Audio: Sounds fade from digestion to mouth, ahhh...


Action: Zoom out to CU of creature's face - he is breathing heavy/panting

Audio: Breathing, ahhh...mmmm...


Action: Licks his lips -- he's hungry

Audio: Wet tongue across face, minor slurping, grunting noises, mmmm...

Scene 2


Action: Bird is still, opens his mouth to squak, eye blinks

Audio: *squak*

throw sequence - 75f

Action: Grins and prepares to throw the spear

Audio: MMmmmmm...


Action: Throws spear heavily - entirely rotating body weight to exemplify force

Audio: Grunt, spear makes whizzing noise

arrow in air -

Action: Camera follows the spear in the air - moves quickly with blurred trail

Audio: wind/whizzing

arrow landing and bird flying away -

Action: Spear moves towards bird, who appears unconcerned

Audio: Continuing spear sound, background stresses emimant danger for bird


Action: Spear suddenly spirals off-course, camera follows spear course, moving right to left

Audio: Looping wind sound for spear motion


Action: Spear sinks into the ground and the bird is surprised. It begins to fly to the right

Audio: Spear hitting ground, scared/surprised squak


Action: Wings flapping quickly (like pigeon flying off in Savannah square). As the bird flies away the spear disintegrates and disappears

Audio: Wings flapping, cartoony disintegrate noise (xylaphone?) and then ash, maybe something subtle for disappearance

confused -

Action: Character is stunned, eyes get shifty and he's stiff, mouth gaping

Audio: Bewilderment

con't -

Action: Creature is also thinking, the artist is behind the thought

Audio: Silence from creature, hmmm sound from artist


Scene 3

drawing character -

Action: Camera zooms from from of stunned character to reveal him as a drawing. The drawing hand polishes the line and then moves off-camera

Audio: Atmosphere reflects artist's location, pen scratching for drawing, moving cloth for shifting hand + skin brushing the paper

mouth sequence -

Action: CU of artist's mouth -- thinking/deep in thought

Audio: hmmm....


Action: Further thought from the artist, mouth moves with decision

Audio: mmmm.....


Action: Artist decides and does a half-grin

Audio: AH!

creature reaction-

Action: Creature mirrors artist's moment

Audio: Artist's "AH!" fades into creature's "AH!"


Scene 4

bird landing-

Action: Story with bird continues as bird flies into foreground right, artist turns and prepares for another attack

Audio: Landing of bird, creature reaction/surprise and shifting feet

jump attack-

Action: Creature jumps headfirst towards bird and gets very close to grabbing it

Audio: Fierce emotion, wind as creature flies through the air, and a bird squak


Action: As character nears the bird, a sign lifts the bird up in an extremely quick motion. The creature slams into the post as the sign moves up, rubbing his head as it moves

Audio: Sign popping out of the ground and lifting, creature slamming into the wooden post -- PAIN

reaction, bird chirp, look up-

Action: CU of creature as he recovers and looks up at the sign/bird

Audio: Recovery/curiousity turns into anger/frustration, bird chirp

bird chirp and look down-

Action: Bird is perched on top of the sign, seemingly ignoring the creature, frame is held so viewer can read sign

Audio: Wind, silence


Action: Bird looks down, sees the creature and squaks mockingly

Audio: Wind turns into annoying sound as bird squaks

getting up and angry-

Action: Creature lifts himself from the ground slowly and gets a very menacing face

Audio: Hands rubbing on grass, unregonizable anger/frustration under the breath of the creature


Scene 5

mouth talking-

Action: Cut to mouth of the artist, he speaks to the creature

Audio: Audible but indistinguishable voice of artist to creature


Action: Artist continues talking, then gets a serious face

Audio: Speech, then hmmm...

character listening and rejecting-

Action: Continue hearing voice of the artist in the mind of the creature, creature reacts poorly to what is being said to him

Audio: Voice of the artist, creature does "EH?!" -- he is familiar with the voice, but shows displeasure in hearing it


Scene 6

anger sequence-

Action: Artist shows a serious amount of frustration, shakes his fists and scowls at the bird

Audio: Anger/frustration, bird squaks once


Action: Creature quickly bends down and grips the base of the signs post.

Audio: Swooping, rustling of feet


Action: Sign is pulled from the ground, as the creature raises it up, the bird jumps to the ground

Audio: Removing of post, bird jumping and landing


Action: Sign is raised higher and it becomes apparent that the creature is going to attempt to kill the bird with it

Audio: Swoosh, fearful squak from bird


Action: Sign is slammed down on the bird, creature jumps with the force of the blow

Audio: Slamming of sign, squishing of bird, and jumping of creature

slam and drag-

Action: ECU of sign on ground, sign is slowly dragged away to reveal the bird underneath

Audio: Squishy sounds, maybe broken bones, dragging wood across ground


Action: Bird is revealed to be dead (not gory)

Audio: Quietness of the moment, sign continuing to be dragged off bird's body

toss sign-

Action: Creature tosses the sign behing him off-camera and grins at the dead bird on the ground

Audio: Tossing and landing of sign, maybe creature licks his lips again


Action: Creature whips out two pieces of wood

Audio: Wood being revealed -- chock! -- rumbling stomach of creature


Scene 7


Action: Return to the view of the dead bird on the ground and pause

Audio: Sound echoing from creature's stomach/mouth/utensils

eyes thinking and reacting-

Action: Cut to the eyes of the artist, again thinking. He is peaceful/solemn

Audio: hmmm..


Action: Looks at page on his drawing board and gets an idea

Audio: Thought, hmm, AH! (but different 'ah" than before)

bird resurrect-

Action: Bird starts to breath again, is desperate for life, eyes wide, gaping mouth, movement starts in head and then flows down body and out to appendages

Audio: Breathing bird, mysterious sounds


Scene 8


Action: Creature is busy trying to start a fire with two sticks. Bird rises completely and walks to the back of the creature

Audio: Rubbing of sticks, desperation of creature, footsteps of bird


Action: Bird squaks and the creature is terrified and drops his sticks, begins to freeze

Audio: Squak, dropping sticks, surprise of creature


Action: Bird squaks louder and more forceful, scaring the creature, who begins to take steps back. Fire begins to smoke

Audio: SQUAK, footsteps forward from bird, back from creature, kindling fire

finish drawing-

Action: Cut to artist drawing the scene, drama of the creature is paused. The artist pulls out a clean sheet of paper and begins to draw the next scene

Audio: Atmosphere of artist's world, sketching and settling of pen


Scene 9

burn sequence and bird eating-

Action: Return to the drama of the creature, who takes another step back, but this time foot is near fire. Bird gets an angry look (no longer innocent) and no longer squaks, but waits

Audio: Fire starting, footsteps, unsettling music


Action: Creature notices what he's done, body is set aflame, bird is still

Audio: Surprise from creature, fire burning


Action: Creature is consumed in the flame and wails. Arms flail about and begin to disintegrate

Audio: Screaming creature, flame blazing quickly


Action: Creature disintegrates entirely and ashes drop to ground, but eyes remain solid. Bird steps back on step and watches, also surprised

Audio: End of scream, ash dropping, thud for eyeballs


Action: Bird looks at artist and squaks softly and then approaches ashes of creature

Audio: silence then a squak and footsteps


Action: Bird approaches ash and eats it, avoiding the eyeballs

Audio: Eating and shuffling of ash


Action: Bird kicks remains around and walks off camera, but rolls one of the eyeballs to the left side of screen

Audio: Kicking/shifting ash and footsteps, begin roll of eyeball


Action: Camera follows eyeball as it rolls left

Audio: Eyeball rolling on ground


Action: Eyeball winds to a stop and camera holds the shot

Audio: Winding then stopping


Scene 10


Action: Cut to view of artist drawing the last frame

Audio: Pen scratches and then stops


Action: Side view reveals the contraption that the artist uses for creating the story



Action: Artist grips shifter that controls the position of the storyboard

Audio: Shifting clothes, gripping handle and rubbery movement of shifting


Action: ECU of gears rotating and moving caused by gear shifter

Audio: Moving cogs/gears, clanky, minorly rusted and old


Action: Back view of chair as it starts to move

Audio: Cog noises continue and follow through motion of chair


Action: ECU of rolling mechanism, which begins to move left to right

Audio: Metal bearing rolling across wooden planks


Action: ELS of artist's studio, chair moves left to right in a steady fashion

Audio: Reverberated mix of gears, cogs, metal on wood, and etc


Action: CU of entering arm of chair, shows past scenes of the animation

Audio: Same mix as the long shot, but less reverated, more centered and clear


Action: Artist places last scene on the board and continues to the right of the screen

Audio: Rolling gears and metal along wood, fade in credit audio