ESC 1000 Fall 2004-Final Grades

Please read the following carefully before sending Dr. Neuhoff an email:

Below you will find a link to a PDF file containing a table with individual grades.  The table lists the the results of all assignments and exams form the class, as well as the total points received, the percentage received, and the final letter grade assigned in the class (based on the grading scale listed on the syllabus).  Please look these grades over carefully and report any discrepancies immediately.
Grades will be sent to the Registrar Thursday afternoon (Dec 9)---Please report any discrepancies by 2PM on Thursday, December 9.

Final Exam:

The class in general did very well on the exam, with the median grade being equivalent to a B+.  The exam grade was calculated by multiplying the raw score by 4.  Scores over 212 were truncated to 212.  One question did not have a correct answer (the question about how the density of seawater varies with depth), and so was graded such that everyone got it correct.

Final Grades

The last columns of the grade sheet list the final grades for the course, in terms of the total points earned, the perentage of points earned, and the corresponding letter grade based on your percentage and the grade scale listed in the syllabus.  As you can see from the grade sheet, in the end the class did very well, with the following grade distribution:

A: 21 students
B+: 5 students
B: 4 students
C+: 5 students
C: 1 student
D+: 4 students
D: 1 students
E: 3 students

If there are questions or concerns about the information listed on the grade sheet, please email Dr. Neuhoff by 2 PM Thursday afternoon.

Final Grade Sheet