Software, Tutorials and Downloads    

This page has links to software and other tutorials that I prepared during the course of my graduate study.

  • 1. A tutorial on Codes on Graphs : In this tutorial I present the fundamentals of coding and decoding on graphs. The tutorial starts by introducing Behavioral Realizations which provide a general framework to unify a number of different representations of a code. Graphs of these behavioral realizations can be constructed and this provides us with an alternate unified way of looking at several different error control coding techniques. The sum-product algorithm, which is the basic decoding algorithm for codes on graphs, is discussed. Some of today's most advanced, capacity-approaching decoding algorithms are instances of the sum-product algorithm. Two applications of the sum-product algorithm in coding theory - BCJR MAP decoding and turbo decoding are discussed.

    DISCLAIMER: This tutorial does not represent any original work on my part. It is a compilation of material already present in literature and has borrowed heavily from the work of G.D.Forney, B.J.Frey, F.R.Kschischang and H.A.Loliger.

  • 2.Linear and Adaptive Linear Multiuser Detection tutorial : This tutorial studies a couple of different linear multiuser detection techniques used in CDMA systems. Due to the short time I had to work on this project, I only study the case of a synchronous CDMA system on an AWGN channel. This tutorial starts by introducing the matched filter bank aka the conventional detector. The limitations of this detector are identified and an improved MUD architechture namely the decorrelatng detecor is then studied. Adding SNR information to the detector improves the performance of the decorrelating detector and leads to the MMSE detector. Two different adaptive implementations of the MMSE multi-user detector, the LMS detector and the Blind detector are studied. The LMS detector calls for the use of training sequences in order to adapt to the optimal weights. The blind detector on the other hand requires no training sequences but requires the exact knowledge of signature sequences. It is worthwhile to point out that the philosophy of the blind detector is similar to that of a single user detector and not that of MUD. Theoretical development and simulated results are discussed for all the above mentioned detectors.

  • 3.LDPC codes: A tutorial and MATLAB software : This tutorial is targeted towards undergrads or grad students who are begining research/study on Low Density Parity Check codes. The tutorial includes a theoretical introduction to the decoding of LDPC codes. I also developed a toolkit in MATLAB to implement LDPC codes. The tutorial though targeted towards a general audience also has a description of the functions in my toolkit. The software serves as a tool to augment your understanding gained from the tutorial.

  • 4.ADAPTIVE NOISE SUPPRESSION: A simulative study of normalized LMS in a non-stationary environment.

  • 5.ADAPTIVE ECHO CANCELLATION: A simulation based study of LMS adaptation in a generalized feed-forward architecture

  • Details about other graduate and undergraduate projects can be found at my old website that I maintained when I was pursuing my M.S.

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