Mallory Ovitt (EME 4406: Graphics Competency)

My Horse and I

Running Horse

     My name is Sarah.  A very important event in my life was the day that I got my horse.  I have loved horses since I was very young.  Before I got my horse, I took horseback riding lessons and helped out cleaning stalls in my neighbors' barn.  When I turned eight years old, my parents took me to a stable.  I thought they were taking me horseback riding, but they weren't.  They were taking me to buy my own horse!
Young girl riding a white horse

     I walked down the barn aisle and met each of the horses.  I walked all the way to the end of the aisle before a horse caught my eye.  She was a beautiful white horse with brown spots.  They told me that her name was Lucy.  Lucy had big brown eyes and when I said hello to her, she sniffed at me and started playing with my ponytail.  I loved her instantly.  They saddled her up for me and I jumped on to try her out.  She was perfect!
Blue Ribbon

     Lucy and I do everything together.  I like to sit in her stall and read and she likes it when I brush her.  She is my new best friend.  We go on long rides in the woods and sometimes visit our friends and their horses.  We also like to compete.  In our very first horse show, Lucy got a blue ribbon because she is a super jumper!  We've gotten lots of ribbons since then, but we just like to go.  It doesn't matter if we win or not.
Three girls standing by a white horse

     Hopefully Lucy and I will have lots of years more to be friends.  Getting her was a really important event in my life because she has made me a better rider and she has become a really good friend.  Without her as a friend, I don't know what I would do.  We do everything together and I like to talk to her when I feel sad because she makes me feel better.  Lucy is the best horse ever!

  • "My Horse and I":  Text art created using Microsoft Paint (.bmp).  Draws the reader into the site and immediately identifies what the topic of the page is.
  • "Horse Clipart":  Clipart taken from (.gif).   This image serves as a way to introduce readers to the story immediately.  Visitors to the page can see that they will be reading about a special horse.
  • "Lucy and Sarah":  Image from digital camera (.jpg).  This image is a good way to illustrate that part of the story because it talks about riding the horse and what she looks like- the image shows both of these things well.
  • "Ribbon":  Microsoft Paint creation (.bmp).  Gives the page a more personal touch by allowing the student to create an image to illustrate a part of their story.  Also works well because this ribbon was fairly unique looking and a similar one could not be found online.
  • "Lucy":  Scanned image (.jpg).   This image illustrates this part of the story well.  It  shows that the girl and her horse have grown up together and share many special moments together.