
Since you have read and discussed the novel in class, you may have noticed the many elements of The Shadow of the Wind that make it a wonderful subject of analysis for almost any area of interest. Zafon said of his novel, "I feel that readers today are so sophisticated in the way they absorb messages, images, and symbols from advertising and journalism, the many things we are bombarded with. I think it's important to stimulate all the nerve endings." Thus, over the course of this week, your job for this webquest will be to take on the roles of four members of a panel of experts in relation to the novel, its background, and surrounding effects. One of you will be the Historian, researching the history of Barcelona as a city, from the Spanish Civil War of Daniel's childhood to the Olympic Games in 1992 and into today. Another of you will be a cosmopolitan Art Expert, specializing in Spanish artists and architects. The last two will be a Literary Authority and a Youth Counselor, experts on the history of censorship, and the development of youth maturation, or coming of age (in relation to other stories we have read in class), respectively. You will all research individually and, as a panel, build a creative presentation of your findings to display in the classroom.

