
  1. Your first step for this WebQuest is to split up into groups of four. Yourself and your three partners will be a panel of experts on the elements of The Shadow of the Wind. Once you have formed your groups, each of you will choose a specific role to play. Decide amongst yourselves which of you will be the Historian, the Art Expert, the Literary Authority, and the Youth Counselor. Each of you will be responsible for gathering information and materials for your final group presentation.
  2. After choosing individual roles, your next step will be to begin your research. You will first receive this Research Form, which you will need to fill out as you complete your steps, and return to me at the end of the project. You will have two and a half class periods to conduct research, during which you should be filling out your Research Form. On the third class, you will get into your groups and discuss the interesting facts you listed on your form, and swap your questions. Although this discussion period will be informal, the questions asked of you by your peers should be answered if at all possible, or an attempt must at least be demonstrated, by the end of the project.
  3. In order to find out specifics about your individual role and begin your research, you will need to refer to the home page and select your link from the picture menu. On your role page, you will find a description of your persona and Internet resources. You may use any of these Internet resources, search for your own, and/or use sources from the media center. Just remember, you need a total of at least SIX.
  4. On day four, you will have the class period to work on your project. I will provide some materials, but if you have a good idea of what you will be doing, and already have access to materials, it might be a good idea to bring your own. Please take this day seriously, as it may be the only good time you will be able to meet with your group. Whatever you do not finish in class, you will be responsible for completing at home. Bear in mind that I will be checking your group's progress during this time as well.
  5. Day five is presentation day. Bring your Research Forms, Questionnaire Forms (to be completed in class), and completed projects to class and be prepared to say a few fun-facts about what you learned and what you made. You will turn in your forms, and your projects will be displayed in the classroom for everyone to look at, so make this something you will be proud to claim! Your options are limitless here, so just let me know if there is anything you need to make your presentation a success. Also let me know ahead of time (at least by day four) if you will need access to TV/VCR, slide projector, computer, CD player, etc. And most importantly, don't forget to have fun!
  6. One more not-so-fun note... Please do your own work. Do not plagiarize! It is very easy to spot copied work, especially from the Internet, as lines can be searched for and placed with their original author through a search engine. Just trust your instincts here and use sources as references, not templates. If you directly quote or paraphrase anything, make sure to cite it just as you would in a regular MLA format research paper, because your sources will be listed on your Research Page for me to refer to. I trust you guys!
