My Team/Kingdom
There are 2 ways to describe my family. First in terms of a sports team, second
as a kingdom. These stick out in my mind because a love of sports and more importantly
teamwork has always been important to us. Also, fairytale references have always
been used in our house, whether this be from 'every daughter being her father's
princess' or our deep love for Disney.
The King & Queen
I chose this image of my parents not only because they look regal, but I don't
see them dressed up very often. My dad seems to be the one that uses fairytale
words the most I think-- including King, Queen, Prince, Princess or sometimes
Witch. Mom loves to look at the sky, namely the stars. This has instilled a sense
of wonder in me as well as fascination with anything magical. I also always reach
for the stars. Finally, though they are put together here, there are plenty goofy
moments to be had-- they always know how to make me laugh.
The Prince
Though my brother Jeffrey and I our teammates in theory, we don't always get along.
We've gotten better throught the years, maybe with age? I know that after being an
only child for 8 years, competition for the Coaches attention was hard to deal with.
I guess it was also hard to relate to such a crazy little boy. But now I'd say we
operate as teammates should-- working together to impress the Coaches while still
being our crazy selves. As my mom often says, he makes life interesting, but also I
think he keeps my inner child alive and happy; whether near or far. I chose this
photo not only because its the most recent, but its his rendition of the current
'Ray-hawk.' As noted sports and the Rays alike are very important to us.
Click here to see how Disney=Family