Explore the following Website Links:

Planning and Designing for Students with Disabilities

Building Better Schools

Hazards in the Art Classroom

Things to Consider:
(Record your responses)

Part #1

How can you utilize the natural environment to enhance the design of the annex?

Do your spaces have to be clearly defined in terms of function (studio, gallery, lecture hall)?

How can you provide structural accessibility and accommodations for individuals with physical handicaps?

How can you add extra ammenities to enhance the annex (bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, etc.)?


Part #2

Exhaust the possible materials! Remember aesthetics and practicality!

How does the texture of your materials enhance or hinder the elements function?

How can you create a mood or ambience in the various sections of the annex?

How does the art annex design reflect you as artists (interior and exterior expression)?

What can you have in and around your art annex as forms of inspiration?



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