Title: Personality Cube
Creator: Maoric
Created: Fall 2002
Medium: Printed photoshop images, illustration board.

Description: Everybody judges instantly on first impressions, which often are far different than the real person. For this project, my classmates wrote down their first impressions they had of me and gave them to me. People in my class thought that I was quiet, dark, and strange before they got to know me. The outside of the cube is made of dark imagery to convey these feelings, while the inside shows a montage of changing skylines to illustrate how I have a much more complex personality.

Click this view to show a shot of the finished cube.
Click this view to show a detail of the inside images of the project.
Click this view to see the top of the cube's exterior.
Click this view to see the sides of the cube's exterior.
Click this view to see the bottom of the cube's exterior.