by Roi Levin
(Last updated December 27, 2003)
For more information, please contact Roi Levin at,
or by leaving a message at
(352) 392-1901 ext. 194.
Click here for a list of bedding plants, woody, perennial and other ornamental plants' susceptibility to four species of root-knot nematodes. **
** PLEASE NOTE: The link above will be continuously
updated. The information presented
here may be used as a guide! It will not hold true in all situations!
cultivars and varieties may react differently to nematode species, races,
and populations. Additional research is needed to evaluate the response
of ornamentals to root-knot nematode isolates.
As part of my master's degree research, I evaluate the susceptibility of
ornamental plants to root-knot nematode infection. If you come across
a root-knot infected ornamental plant (use the pictures below as a guide
for infection symptoms), please send it in for processing to the address
below. It is important that plant roots are attached to the above-ground
portion of the plant. Place sample, along with a moist paper
towel, in a
sealed plastic bag. Please include the following information with
the sample:
- Collection date
- Infected plant's location (city, county)
- Plant name and cultivar (if available)
- Contact information
Send samples to the following address:
Roi Levin
University of Florida
Department of Entomology and Nematology
Building 970 Natural Area Drive
Gainesville, FL 32611
The Following are pictures of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) infected roots:
Click on image for a larger picture
spp. roots
Passiflora spp. roots
Passiflora spp. roots
Tomato infected with M. arenaria race 1
Tomato infected with M. javanica
Tomato infected with M. incognita race 2
Tomato infected with M. mayaguensis
Pentas infected with Meloidogyne spp.
Pentas - above-ground symptoms
Wax Myrtle root infected with Meloidogyne spp.
Potted plant's roots infected with Meloidogyne spp.
African violet exhibiting symptoms of nematode damage (incipient wilting)
Begonia plants dying due to root-knot
Bottle brush exhibiting a thin canopy due to root-knot
Boxwood exhibiting symptoms of nematode damage in patches
Boxwood decline due to root-knot
Gardenia decline due to root-knot
Impatiens roots infected with Meloidogyne spp, showing typical galling symptoms