World War II

1. Causes and Character:
- formation of the Rome - Berlin - Tokyo Axis => globalization of the conflict
- Munich treaty => weakness of European democracies facing totalitarian regimes
- Nazi - Soviet non - aggression pact => confusion in the working class movement (esp. communists)

- new warfare:
* the role of armored divisions in land war (tanks) (Kursk battle)
* introduction of aircraft carriers in naval warfare => combination of forces (war in the Pacific)
* experiments with amphibious units => large scale landings (Normandy)
* use of para - troops => attacks by surprise behind the enemy lines (Crete)
* use of radar for detection and of computerized methods for breaking codes
* atomic bomb => total war

2. War in Europe:
 September 1, 1939: Germany attacked Poland from the West, followed by the Soviet Union from the East
 November 1939: Soviet Union attacked Finland => USSR expelled from the League of Nations
May 10, 1940: the yellow plan => German troops attacked Netherlands, Belgium, and France => June 1940: German troops seized Paris => a pro - German government under marshal Petain was formed in the South (Vichy), the North was occupied by the Germans => formation of a French government in exile (London) under general Charles de Gaulle

May 1940: prime - minister Winston Churchill prepared Britain for war => Germany launched a sea and air war against Britain ( Battle of Britain)(July - October 1940)

1. Germany bombed cities and industrial centers in southern England (destruction of Coventry) in preparation for an invasion
2. royal air force and radar denied German superiority
3. British industry turned into war industry

1 - 3 => Germany failed to win the Battle of Britain

3. War in Africa:
June 10, 1940: Italy entered the war => attack in Africa (from Libya to Egypt) => crushed by British armored forces => German intervention in Africa
February 1941: Afrikakorps led by Erwin Rommel arrived in Africa => German troops occupied Egypt (1942)

4. Occupation of Eastern Europe:
England and France defeated => East European democracies without any allies, squeezed between Germany and the Soviet Union

    August 1940: Soviet troops invaded the Baltic states  (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania)
    June 1940: Soviet troops invaded Eastern Romania (Bessarabia)
    August 1940: pro - German Hungary occupied North - Western Romania (Transylvania)

=> power in Romania is seized by a pro - German faction led by general Ion Antonescu => Romanian oil fields fueled Germany's war machine
    October 1940: Italian troops invaded Greece => Greek army pushed Italians back to Albania => German intervention against Yugoslavia and Greece => Germany annexed Slovenia and Croatia proclaimed independent, under German influence and with fascist leader Ante Pavelic (1941) => anti - serbian pogroms
    March 1941: Bulgaria joined the Axis
    May 1941: German para - troops occupied Crete

5. War in Russia:
Hitler viewed Bolshevism as an outgrowth of Judaism => invasion of Soviet Russia was a racist war of annihilation
June 22, 1941: Germany and her allies (Italy, Hungary, and Romania) attacked Soviet Russia => Red army totally unprepared (Operation Barbarossa) => Germany occupied most of Ukraine, Belarus, Western Russia

September 1941: Leningrad besieged => Stalin sought the Anglo - American alliance => with the support of the Allies, Russia prepared for the resistance:
    1. large scale partisan activities behind German lines using communist underground organizations (Ukraine)
    2. large scale moving of industrial centers in Western Siberia and rapid growth of the war industry
    3. reuse of Russian nationalist symbols and propaganda, as well as reopening of churches to bolster religious mobilization against the enemy

5. Formation of the Coalition:
1941 - 1942: Britain, US, and USSR supported each other against Germany
    1941: Congress passed the Lend Lease Act to supply Britain and USSR with arms and long term credit (later turned into gifts)
    August 1941: the Atlantic Charter - US and Britain

Declare their aims in the war:
1. no territorial aggrandizement
2. free market, freedom for all humanity

October 1941: German offensive halted at Moscow => counter attack by Soviet troops => Germany attacked in South Russia (Don Valley and Caucasus) to capture the grain and oil reserves

6. War in the Pacific:
December 7, 1941: Japanese attack on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor => US entered the war
- Japan occupied Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, North and South China and Western Oceania

September 1942 - February 1943: Stalingrad - the first counterblow - 300,000 Germans and German allies surrendered (only 93,000 remained alive)
1943: massive counter offensive by soviet troops (Kursk, Orel, Kharkov) => Germans pushed back beyond the Dnieper river
November 1942: US and Britain landed troops in North Africa (under general Dwight Eisenhower) => German troops crushed at El Alamein => the axis lost North Africa (May 1943)
July 1943: Assisted by the Mafia, the Allies landed in Sicily => Mussolini's regime crumbled

7. The Final Solution:
1941: SS troops rounded up and shot 4.7 million Jews in occupied Russia => Jews in already occupied Europe were deported to Poland and Western Russia
    - camps designed for labor turned into death camps (gas chambers and crematoria) => the final solution (1941 - 1944) led to the mass murder of 6 million Jews (Holocaust) at Auschwitz, Treblinka, Lublin, Sobibor, Belzec, Chelmno
- together with the Jews, the final solution was also applied to gypsies, Soviet prisoners of war, and German mental patients and handicapped

Organization of partisan activities:
    Yugoslavia - Partisan Army (led by Iosip Broz Tito)
    France, Czechoslovakia, USSR, Poland, Philippines, Korea, Indonesia

8. Victories of the Allies:
September 1943: Italy surrendered => intensive bombing od German cities from nearby airfields
July - August 1943: Royal Air Force devastated cities of Western and Central Germany (Lubeck, Dresden, Cologne, Essen, Bremen, Hamburg) => Hitler demanded mobilization of the entire population of Germany for total war
1943: US troops landed at Guadalcanal and forced the Japanese out of the Solomon islands => US submarine warfare against the Japanese
November - December 1943: Conference at Teheran between Stalin, F.D. Roosevelt and W. Churchill:

1. Stalin is given promises that Poland would move westwards in to Germany to secure Soviet gains after the Nazi - Soviet Pact of 1939
2. Anglo - American invasion of France
3. Soviet involvement in the Pacific war after the defeat of Germany

1944: US troops conquer the Philippines and New Guinea

9. Reconquest of Europe:
June 1944: British, Canadian, and US forces (command: general Dwight Eisenhower) landed in Normandy (Northern France) => German troops pushed back into France

August 1944: Allied and French troops reconquered Paris

1944 - 1945: massive Soviet offensive beyond Soviet borders, into Poland => Romania abandoned the Axis and joined the Allies
> August 1944: with Stalin's tacit assistance, the Germans crushed the resistance movement in Warsaw
> Red Army invaded Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria

October 1944: Churchill met Stalin at Moscow => division of Europe into spheres of influence:

a. British preponderance in Greece
b. Soviet preponderance in Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary
c. Equal split of Yugoslavia

February 1945: Big Three conference at Yalta (Crimea):
- further concessions to the Soviet Union: firm establishment of a communist government in Poland; annexation of Southern Sakhalin and the Kurile islands North of Japan

March 1945: US Ninth Army reached the Elbe River, 60 miles away from Berlin => Hitler's capital is abandoned to the Red Army

May 9, 1945: Germany surrendered

April - June 1945: huge amphibious landings by US troops in Iwo Jima and Okinawa => Japan extended the use of kamikaze pilots
July - August 1945: Big Three conference at Potsdam:
    a. Stalin agreed to declare war to Japan
    b. Harry Truman disclosed US military supremacy by announcing that the secret atomic bomb was produced

August 1945: two atomic weapons were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki => 120,000 casualties in addition to long term consequences => Japan surrendered (September 1945)

10. Consequences:
- heavy losses:
    17 million in Soviet Union
    6.2 million in Germany
    6 million in Poland
    4 million in China
    2 million in Japan

- the most destructive conflict in history (50 million people perished)
- organization for peace => 1945 (San Francisco) USSR, US, Britain, France, and China founded the United Nations
- the end of Europe's independence and the beginning of the Cold War