Study guide:

1 Hellenism/ Hellenistic culture - how did the society change during the Hellenistic Age? Scientific achievements? how was the Empire organized; what happened after the death of Alexander the Great?
2. Roman republican government - what were the greatest achievements?
3. The struggle of orders
4. Punic Wars
5. Scipio Africanus
6. Emperor Constantine
7. Augustus Caesar - achievements and his relations with the Senate.
8. The Golden Age of Rome
9. Christianity; religious factions among the Jews before Jesus.
10. Roman law system
11. The period of the five good emperors
12. Pompey
13. The Gracchi
14. Arius - arianism
15. St. Paul - his achievements
16. Pax Romana - how was life in the Empire?
17. Sulla
18 Julius Caesar
19. the Twelve Tables
20 Why did the Roman Republic collapse?