1. Venus of Willendorf, Willendorf, Austria

2. Venus from Laussel (woman holding a bison horn), France

3. Hall of the Bulls, Lascaux, France

4. Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, England

5. White Temple and ziggurat, Uruk

6. Worshipers from Square Temple, Tell Asmar, Iraq

7. Head of an Akkadian ruler, Nineveh, Iraq

8. Victory stele of Naram - Sin, Susa, Iran

9. Stele with the law code of Hammurabi, Susa, Iran

10. Lamassu, citadel of Sargon II, Khorsabad, Iraq

11. Ashurbanipal hunting the lions, relief fron the Norh Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, Iraq

12. Palette of King Narmer, Hierakonpolis, Egypt

13. Great Pyramids, Gizeh, Egypt

14. Khafre, from Gizeh, Egypt

15. Menkaure and Khamerernebty, Gizeh, Egypt

16. Seated scribe, Saqqara, Egypt

17. Senmut, mortuary temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el - Bahri, Egypt

18. Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel, Egypt

19. Thutmose, Nefertiti, Tell el-Amarna, Egypt

20. Akhenaton, Karnak, Egypt

21. Death mask of Tutankhamon, Thebes, Egypt

22. La Parisienne, Knossos, Crete

23. Bull-leaping (Toreador Fresco), Knossos, Crete

24. Snake Goddess, Knossos, Crete

25. Lion Gate, Mycenae, Greece

26. Funerary mask from Mycenae (Agamemnon?), Greece

27. Geometric krater fom the Dipylon cemetery, Athens, Greece c. 740

28.Corinthian black-figure amphora with animal friezes, from Rhodes, Greece, c. 625-620

29. Kouros (The New York Kouros), c. 600

30. Peplos Kore, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, c.530

31. Temple of Hera I, Paestum, Italy, c.550

32. Exekias, Achilles and Ajax playing a game, Orvieto, Italy, c. 525 - 520

33. Kritios Boy, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, c.480

34. Warrior, from the sea off Riace, Italy, c. 460-450

35. Myron, Diskobolos, c. 450

36. Polykleitos, Doryphoros, Roman copy, Italy, (original c. 450-440)

37. Zeus or Poseidon from the sea off Cape Artemision, Greece, c. 460-450

38. Iktinos and Kallikrates, Parthenon, the Temple of Athena Parthenos, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, c. 447-438

39. Erechteion, Acropolis, Athens, Greece

40. Kallikrates, Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, c. 427-424

41. Nike adjusting her sandal, Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens, Greece, c.410

42. Grave stele of Hegeso, Dipylon cemetery, Athens, Greece, c.400