Macedonia and Alexander the Great

- the middle of the 4th century - Greek city-states were ripe for external conquest
- Macedonia - on the fringes of Greek civilization ( with a very similar culture, heritage and people)

* Kings: Philip II - brought Macedonia into the unsettled politics of the poleis
- Macedonians: capable warriors and good diplomats
    * a carrot and stick policy, backed by a large army - brought Macedonia into control of the Greek city - states

338 B.C.: Philip was a master of Greece
                contemplating an assault upon the Persian Empire
               the invasion was temporary stopped by his death
Philip => followed by his son Alexander ( 20 years old) - who continued with the preparations
334 B.C.: the campaign against Persia
                Alexander's forces successful - battle of Grancius River ( despite short supplies) => they marched inland; they had success after success
Alexander: tactical skill + personal bravery => brought the speedy conquest of Egypt and a continuation of the campaign into east Asia => Alexander reached India => he (and his tired army) returned to Babylon (324 B.C.)
325 - Alexander died in Babylon (almost 30)
- after his death - his empire was divided (split between three of his generals) => within a century after Alexander death - parts of his former empire - conquered by the Romans
- Alexander era - identified with his victories
But: cultural transformations - brought by his empire are more important
Hellenism: more than just Greek culture; was a symbol of cultural shift that soon engulfed the eastern values into the Greek classical culture.