Works you should stury:

1.  Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos, 350-340 BC
2.  Praxiteles, Hermes and the infant Dionysos, from Temple of Hera, 340 BC
3.  Grave stele of a young hunter, Athens, 340-330 BC
4.  Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (Scraper), 330 BC
5.  Head of Alexander the Great, Pella, 200-150BC
6.  Polykleitos the Younger, Theater, Epidauros 350 BC
7.  Reconstructed west front of the Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, 175 BC
10. Nike of Samothrace, Samothrece, 190 BC
11. Venus of Milo, Melos, 150-125 BC
12. Seated boxer, Rome, 100-50 BC
13. Old market woman, 150-100 BC
14. Polyeuktos, Demosthenes, 280 BC
15. Laocoon and his sons, Titus's palace, 1st century AD
16. Apollo from the roof of the Portonaccio Temple, Veii, Italy, 510-500 BC
17. Sarcophagus with reclining couple, Cerveteri, Italy, 520 BC
18. Banquets and musicians, detail of mural paintings in the Tomb of the Leopards, Tarquinia, 480-470
19. Capitoline Wolf, Rome, 500-480 BC
20. Chimera, Arezzo, Italy, 4th century BC
21. Head of a Roman patrician, Otricoli, Italy, 75-50 BC
22. Atrium of the House of the Vettii, Pompeii, 2nd century BC
23. Dionysiac mystery frieze, Villa of the Mysteries, Pompeii, 60-50 BC
24. Gardenscape, Villa of Livia, Primaporta, 30-20 BC
25. Portrait of a husband and wife, Pompeii, 70-79 AD
26. Still life with peaches, Herculaneum, 62-79 AD
27. Portrait of Augustus as general, Primaporta, 20 BC
28. Portrait bust of Livia, Faiyum, Egypt, 1st century AD
29. Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome, 13-9 BC
30. Maison Carree, Nimes, France, 1-10 AD
31. Pont-du-Gard, Nimes, France, 16 BC
32. Colosseum, Rome, 70-80 AD
33. Portrait bust of a Flavian woman, Rome, 90 AD
34. Arch of Titus, Rome, 81 AD
35. Column of Trajan, Rome, 112 AD
36. Apollodorus of Damascus, Markets of Trajan, Rome 100-112 AD
37. Interior of the Pantheon, Rome, 118-125 AD
38. Canopus and Serapeum, Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli, 130-138 AD
39. Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 175 AD
40. Portrait of Caracalla, 211-217 AD
41. Arch of Constantine, Rome, 312-325 AD
42. Portrait bust of Contantine, Basilica Nova, Rome, 315-330 AD
43. Interior of the synagogue at Dura-Europos, Syria, 245-256 AD
44. Interior of Santa Constaza, Rome, 337-351
45. Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna, 452 AD
46. Christ as the Good Shepherd, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, 452 AD
47. Hagia Sophia, Constantinople, 532-537
48. Interior of Hagia Sophia, Constantinople, 532-537
49. Justinian, Bishop Maximianus, and attendants, San Vitale, Ravenna, 547 AD
50. Theodora and attendants, San Vitale, Ravenna, 547 AD
51. Transfiguration of Jesus, Saint Catherine monastery, Mount Sinai, 565
52. Pantocrator, Cathedral at Monreale, Italy, 1180-1190
53. Vladimir Virgin, Vladimir, 12th century
54. Andrei Rublyev, The Old Testament Trinity, 1410