Revolution and Nation

After the Congress of Vienna:

Bourbons returned to France, Spain, and Naples
Conservatism + revival of Inquisition ==>>rise of revolutionary secret societies

Ex: Jacobin fraternities (Spain)
       Free Masonry (France)
       Carbonaria (Italy)

Repression could not contain the liberal and nationalist ideals unleashed by the French Revolution.
> 1820-1829 - new revolutionary activities

Revolution in Europe:

Spain: 1812 - new, liberal constitution rejected by the king
           1820 - revolt of the officers ==>> the Concert of
                      Europe empowered France to crush the
Italy: March 1821: revolution in Piedmont ==>>crushed by
                               the Austrians with the authorization of
                               the Concert of Europe, and by the rulers
                               of the Italian states.
Russia: December 1825: uprising of liberal officers
                                        (exposed to French ideas) crushed
                                        by Nicholas I.
           - rigid censorship imposed+ secret police organized
Greece: 1814 - secret society Hetairia
             1821 - revolt in Morea against Turkey ==>>
             Ottoman armies massacred the Greek population on
             the island of Chios
             1822 - National Assembly at Epidauros proclaims
             the independence of Greece
             1825 - Turkish armies besiege Missolunghi ==>>
             France and Britain intervene
             1827 - Navarino - Ottoman fleet crushed by French
             & English war ships
             1829 - Turkish - Russian war ends ==>> Turkey
             coerced to acknowledge the independence of

Many educated western Europeans, infused with the culture of ancient Greece, were sympathetic to the Greek cause.
1829: Metternich system, directed against liberal and nationalist rebellions, had been breached

France: the Bourbons, restored after the downfall of
             Napoleon ruled until 1830

Louis XVIII - moderate course:
>> the constitution (Charter) - two house parliament
>> property requirements for voting
>> recognized that citizens possess certain fundamental rights
1824: Comte d'Artois succeeded as Charles X - leader of the ultras (aristocrats who sought to return to the old order)
>> hostility of the bourgeoisie
1830: liberals - victory in the elections
          the king issued the July Ordinances: dissolved the  elected chamber, censored the press and limited the vote for the bourgeoisie
          bourgeoisie, student, and workers in Paris rebelled - joined by army regiments - July 1830 Revolution - ==>>
the king abdicates ==>> the July Monarchy of Louis Philippe of Orleans
          the Parisian workers felt betrayed (republic)

The Revolution of 1830 (France) inspired uprisings:

> Catholic Belgium revolted against Protestant Holland >>
    proclaimed its independence
> Poland - students, intellectuals, and army officers - against
   Russian rulers (1830-1831); 1831- Warsaw fell to the
> 1831-1832: Italy; Austria intervenes

Revolution in Latin America

Napoleon's occupation of Spain ==>>revolution in the colonies
1811: Venezuela -independent republic ==>>continental armies under Simon Bolivar crush Spanish troops (1821 - independence)
1821: Mexico - independent kingdom (republic in 1824)
1822: Ecuador - independent
1824: Peru and Bolivia - independent

The 1848 Revolution:

1848 - the year of the revolution

Causes: - the economic crisis of the previous two years;
               potato fungus ==>> agricultural catastrophe
               (1845 - 1847)
             - rise of nationalism
             - the absence of liberty (Jacques Droz)


> discontent against the monarchy of Louis Philippe:

- new electoral law (1846) - 3% of the adult males could vote
- radical republicans or democrats - abolish the monarchy + grant all men the right to vote

>> February 1848: protest demonstration (bourgeoisie, students, workers) turns into revolt ==>> end of the
July Monarchy ==>> proclamation of the second republic

- government controlled by liberals (Lamartine, Louis Blanc)
- measures taken: first free elections under male universal
                            National workshops (work to the
                            unemployed at the government expense)

May 1848: new national assembly dismantles the National Workshops ==>> reaction of the unemployed and the artisans of Paris ==>> intervention of the army (E. Cavaignac) ==>>June Days (radical revolution) - deep division between the workers and the rest of France

December 1848: Louis Napoleon Bonaparte - elected president ==>> December 1852: coup d'etat ==>>
proclamation of the Second Empire (Napoleon III)


**March 1848: street demonstrations against rulers in the capital cities of German states
                     demanded liberal reforms, call to create an unified Germany with a parliament and a constitutional monarch
                    1840s - great depression: peasants and workers
                    joined the struggle
**Berlin demonstrations ==>> intervention of the army ==>> the Prussian king (Frederick William IV) accepts the creation of a parliament dominated by liberals

** May 1848: All German parliament at Frankfurt - to create a unified and liberal Germany; offered the crown of united Germany to the king of Prussia ==>> he refused  ==>> Prussian troops pacified Germany


- ethnic composition of the empire: Germans (25%), Magyars, Czechs, Poles, Slovaks, Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Romanians, Ruthenians, and Italians

** March 1848: street demonstrations in Vienna ( liberals pressed for a constitution) ==>>Metternich dismissed and the Constitutional Assembly is summoned
==>> revolution at Prague, Milan, Cracow, Budapest, Italy and Transylvania ==>> the emperor promises a liberal constitution

> in Bohemia, Czechs - constitution for Bohemia and equal status with German for the Czech language; June 1848 - bombing of Prague (by General Windischgratz)
> in Hungary - Magyars demanded local autonomy and liberal reforms (Lajos Kossuth); Magyars - ignored the national aspirations of other groups (Romanians)
                        April 1849 -revolution is crushed by Russian intervention

*** 1848 - new emperor : Franz Joseph ==>> revolution in Vienna ended


1. Shattering of the Old Regime ==>> governments co-opted the lower social orders
2. Created nationalism based on "historic rights" ( Hungary - Lajos Kossuth, Transylvania - Simion Barnutiu, Czech lands - Frantisek Palacky, Italy - Giuseppe Mazzini) ==>> ethnic nationalism