Before 1860: only two nation states
- Great Britain
- France
* Spain - united on the map/ internally
divided; Portugal, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the Scandinavian countries
- nation-states, but small and peripheral
A nation-state:
one in which supreme political authority rests upon and represents the
will and feeling of its inhabitants ( the people - "we the people")
people: must will and feel something
in common; belong and are members of the same community; participate in
a common life; sense that the government is their government; the outsiders
are "foreign"
The consolidation of nation-states
(two phases):
- territorially - the union of
preexisting smaller states
- morally and psychologically-
the creation of new ties between government and governed, the admission
of new segments of population to political life through liberal and representative
The Making of Italy
> Northwest: kingdom of Sardinia
(Piedmont) - the royal house of Savoy - the only native Italian dynasty
in Italy
> East of Piedmont: Lombardy
> East of Lombardy: Venice
* since 1814: Lombardy and Venice
- Austrian Empire
> South of Lombardy: duchy of Tuscany
> smaller duchies of Modena, Parma,
and Lucca
> across the middle of the peninsula:
the papal states
> South: the kingdom of Naples,
or the Two Sicilies (since 1735 ruled by a branch of the Bourbons)
==>> the governments of those states were content with their independence ( but were remote from their peoples)
1859-1871: making of Italy
---->>war with Austria (1858-1859)
---->>popular revolts (1860-1865)
---->>diplomatic arrangements (1866-71)
December 1847: first issue of the
newspaper Il Risorgimento (The
Resurgence), symbol of the making of Italy
** resurrect the Italian
grandeur of ancient times and of the Renaissance
War and popular revolts:
Making of Italy - (1) papal hegemony
(V. Gioberti); failed in 1848-9
- (2) expansion of Piedmont (C. Cavour)
- (3) republic (G. Mazzini, G. Garibaldi)
(2) Camillo di Cavour (1852): prime
minister of Piedmont (1848 - ruled as a constitutional monarchy)
- unite Italy under king Victor
- Cavour - made Piedmont a model
of progress, efficiency, and fair government
- Cavour - favored the building
of railroads and docks, improvement of agriculture, and trade
- anticlerical policy: cut down
the religious holidays, abolished the church courts - all without the approval
of the Holy See
Cavour - liberal and constitutional
monarchist ( no sympathy for revolutionary and republican nationalism -
Mazzini -)
Cavour - embraced Realpolitik (politics
of reality)
Cavour brings Piedmont on Turkey's side in the Crimean War (1856) ==> alliance with France against Austria (1859) - to win a place at the peace table - rise the Italian question at the Congress of Paris
Napoleon III: apostle of modernity,
in favor of the "doctrine of nationalities" (consolidation of nations -
forward step at the existing stage of history)
Napoleon III : fight reactionary
Austria - would bring the liberals in France on his side
1858: Orsini (Italian republican) attempted to assassinate him with a bomb
==>> reached a secret agreement with Cavour
April 1859: Piedmont declared war to Austria; the French army poured over the Alps
1859:Magenta and Solferino - Piedmontese-French troops routed the Austrians
1859-1860: revolt in central Italy and Sicily (Garibaldi's "thousand") ==> Piedmontese army invaded the Papal states and Naples ==> Piedmontese king proclaimed king of Italy
Italy complete:
1865-1866: war between Austria and
Prussia ==> Piedmont allied with Prussia ==> Italy incorporates Venice
1871: French troops withdrew from
the Papal states ==> Italian capital moved to Rome ==> creation of
a separate Papal state (Vatican)
Italy was made by the long apostolate of Mazzini, by the boldness of Garibaldi, and the cold policy of Cavour ( by war and insurrection, by armed violence endorsed by popular vote)
"Italy is made now we have to make
the Italians"
> regional differences between
north and south
> new Italy was parliamentary but
not democratic
* the right to vote: 600,000
persons out of 20 million
> the revolutionary movement shifted
from older republican nationalism to newer forms of Marxist socialism,
and anarchism