The Aswan High Dam, when it was build created Lake Nasser, Lake Nasser Streches back 270 kilometres from the Dam. The Lake has also created alot more land for people to farm on. This is because a lot of water is stored in the lake, and in turn this water can be used to irrigate land around Lake Nasser.  This has also created a big fishing industry which produces 25,000 tons of fish a year. This year the fishing industry is aiming to produce 100,000 tons of fish by the year 2003.
Unfortunately this dam has caused a big change to the lives of farmers downstream from the dam. Usually when the river flooded once a year before the dam was built. It deposited fertile soil from upstream on its banks downstream. This washed up soil was extremely fertile, and renewed itself every year in time for the crop season. But now, since the dam was built, the annual flood has been stopped. Causing all the farmers downstream to have to use fertilizers to grow their crops, which is much more expensive.
When the Aswan high dam was built, the entire Temple of Abu Simel was shifted, so it wouldn't be flooded and destroyed when Lake Nasser filled up.

The Aswan dam project has proven to be a success. The dams' walls are spun  by the force of the Nile's whirling turbines that now generate about a quarter of Egypt’s electricity.  Egypt has now less to fear from drought than its neighbors from the great Lake Nassar which can store several years worth of water.  Once land that was only desert, has now been turned into farmland due to the pumps and canals fed by the reservoir.  The farmers of the farmland are now able to water their fields year round,which means the nation is no longer at the mercy of the flood.  Hydroeleticity is used for the countys commercial and residential needs and is produced at the dams power station. This generates about 25% of the countries electricity.  On the down side, farmers tend to overuse the available water therefore by accidentally adding too much slat to their fertile land.  Farmers now have to buy expensive artificial fertilizers because the free fertilizer provided by the Ethiopian silt is locked up behind the dam. 

Scientists also blame the dam for an increase of a disease called schistosomiasis, which causes intestinal and urinary infections. Schistosomiasis is transmitted by microscopic worms that breed in snails living in the Nile and its canals. The worms are discharged into the Nile and its canals, where they bore into the skin of people who wash clothes, bathe, or swim in the water. Before year-round irrigation became available, the snails died when the canals dried up. Today, however, the canals are full all year, enabling the snails to live and the disease to spread rapidly. (Hobbs 2003)
Economical Impact of the Aswan Dam